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ATOMS (AuTomatic mOdules Management for Scilab) is the repository for packaged extension modules ("Toolboxes").

To access and install toolboxes in Scilab, simply run:

--> atomsGui
or the --> atomsInstall(...) command for the toolbox. See the ATOMS page on the Scilab wiki for detailed instructions.

If you develop and publish ATOMS toolboxes, please also see the guideline to design toolboxes, on the Scilab wiki.

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All ATOMS Toolboxes

Image Processing Design Toolbox - This toolbox implements functions for object detection.
290799 downloads - 221 comments - --> atomsInstall("IPD")
MinGw toolbox - Dynamic link with MinGW for Scilab on Windows
268007 downloads - 93 comments - --> atomsInstall("mingw")
Scilab Image and Video Processing toolbox - SIVP intends to do image processing and video processing tasks
211042 downloads - 80 comments - --> atomsInstall("SIVP")
GUI Builder - A Graphic User Interface Builder
153608 downloads - 49 comments - --> atomsInstall("guibuilder")
iodelay toolbox - manipulation and frequency analysis of linear dynamical systems with input or output delays
145077 downloads - 3 comments - --> atomsInstall("iodelay")
Apifun - Check input arguments in macros.
141690 downloads - 5 comments --> atomsInstall("apifun")
Time Frequency Toolbox - Toolbox developed for the analysis of non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions.
116133 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("stftb")
CelestLab - CNES Space mechanics toolbox for mission analysis
113636 downloads - 59 comments - --> atomsInstall("celestlab")
Distfun - Distribution functions
110236 downloads - 30 comments --> atomsInstall("distfun")
Scilab Wavelet Toolbox - mimic matlab wavelet toolbox
106604 downloads - 5 comments - --> atomsInstall("swt")
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox - sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab
105949 downloads - 40 comments - --> atomsInstall("sciFLT")
Specfun - A collection of special functions
98797 downloads - 7 comments --> atomsInstall("specfun")
Serial Communication Toolbox - A toolbox for communication over a Serial Port in Scilab
95691 downloads - 58 comments - --> atomsInstall("serial")
GROCER - Comprehensive econometric toolbox
86372 downloads - 19 comments --> atomsInstall("grocer")
Linear Algebra - A collection of algorithms for linear algebra
70989 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("linalg")
NaN-toolbox - A statistics and machine learning toolbox
64935 downloads - 10 comments --> atomsInstall("nan")
libsvm and liblinear - Libraries for SVM and large-scale linear classification
64645 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("libsvm")
Stixbox - Statistics toolbox
64175 downloads - 24 comments - --> atomsInstall("stixbox")
Sci-IPOpt - A Non-linear Interior Point Optimization Solver
63799 downloads - 6 comments - --> atomsInstall("sci_ipopt")
xls link - xls_link (Automation link with Excel) A easy way to call excel(TM) from Scilab
61038 downloads - 67 comments - --> atomsInstall("xls_link")
Quapro - Linear and Linear Quadratic Programming
55024 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("quapro")
ANN Toolbox - ANN Toolbox
53713 downloads - 11 comments - --> atomsInstall("ANN_Toolbox")
Mathieu functions toolbox - Solve Mathieu equations, calculate Mathieu functions
53498 downloads - 17 comments - --> atomsInstall("Mathieu")
ScicosPowerLab - Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
45725 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("XCPL")
Aerospace Blockset - Aerospace Blockset for Xcos providing basic aerospace blocks based on CelestLab library.
45100 downloads - 5 comments - --> atomsInstall("aerospace_blockset")
NISP - Non Intrusive Spectral Projection
44513 downloads - 18 comments --> atomsInstall("NISP")
Metanet - Graph and Network toolbox
44341 downloads - 17 comments - --> atomsInstall("metanet")
Empirical Mode Decomposition Toolbox - Toolbox for Empirical Mode Decomposition of 1-D, 2-D and more dimesional signals.
37815 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("emd_toolbox")
Scilab 2 C - Translate Scilab code into C code
35892 downloads - 6 comments - --> atomsInstall("scilab2c")
WG Serial Xcos IO Block - Provides a generic Xcos block that allows to connect embedded hardware IOs to a Xcos simulation.
34562 downloads - 9 comments - --> atomsInstall("wgserialxcosio")
Toolbox Skeleton - Skeleton of a valid atoms package
34325 downloads - 10 comments --> atomsInstall("toolbox_skeleton")
LCC-windows - LCC-win32 support for Scilab
34223 downloads - 16 comments --> atomsInstall("lcc_windows")
Network Analysis and Routing eVALuation - Generation of random graphs and performance of routing algorithms
34217 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("NARVAL")
csv_readwrite - Fast functions to read and write csv files
31511 downloads - 30 comments --> atomsInstall("csv_readwrite")
scetoexe - example to embed a .sce in a windows .exe
30274 downloads - 27 comments - --> atomsInstall("scetoexe")
Wavelab - WaveLab is a library for wavelet analysis, wavelet- packet analysis, cosine-packet
28612 downloads --> atomsInstall("Wavelab")
Scidemo - A collection of demonstrations
25863 downloads --> atomsInstall("scidemo")
24846 downloads - 13 comments --> atomsInstall("PSO")
Diffcode - Automatic differentiation
23815 downloads - 4 comments --> atomsInstall("diffcode")
SciFreeFEM - FreeFEM for Scilab
23364 downloads - 6 comments --> atomsInstall("SciFreeFEM")
Spilu - Incomplete LU factorizations
21943 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("spilu")
Clustering Toolbox - This toolbox implements functions for clustering and for evaluating clustering algorithms.
20467 downloads - 6 comments --> atomsInstall("CLUSTER")
Xcos toolbox skeleton - Skeleton to create an Xcos palette (implementation of blocks) toolbox
19873 downloads - 11 comments - --> atomsInstall("xcos_toolbox_skeleton")
sciGPGPU - Gpu Computing for Scilab
19723 downloads - 20 comments - --> atomsInstall("sciGPGPU")
Java Interaction Mechanism in Scilab - Module to manipulate Java objects from Scilab
18969 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("JIMS")
Scidoe - Design of experiments
18313 downloads - 15 comments - --> atomsInstall("scidoe")
Scibench - A collection of benchmarks
18283 downloads - 6 comments --> atomsInstall("scibench")
BackDoor - This module opens a BackDoor into Scilab workspace.
17231 downloads - 11 comments - --> atomsInstall("BackDoor")
Identification Toolbox - Tools for identification of dynamical systems
16874 downloads - 5 comments --> atomsInstall("identification")
NIST Datasets - NIST Statistical Reference Datasets
16426 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("nistdataset")
Dynpeak toolbox - Scilab toolbox for the detection of pulses in hormonal signals
14980 downloads --> atomsInstall("Dynpeak")
Signal_Processing_Supplementary_toolbox - This toolbox provides some supplementary functions for Signal Processing applications.
14545 downloads --> atomsInstall("SSP_Toolbox")
USB Toolbox - Provide a set to function to communicate directly from Scilab with USB Devices
13972 downloads - 9 comments --> atomsInstall("usb_toolbox")
Image_Processing_Toolbox_2 - This toolbox provides some supplementary functions for Image Processing Algorithms
13913 downloads - 4 comments --> atomsInstall("IPT2")
convertLatin - functions to convert to UTF-8 to latin (and reverse)
13541 downloads --> atomsInstall("convertlatin")
WriteXmlExcel - Write Excel xml files
11903 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("WriteXmlExcel")
Hybrid Automata Module for Scilab/Xcos - Toolbox enables visual modeling of hybrid automata in Xcos
11746 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("hyb_auto_module")
ARfit toolbox - Multivariate Autoregressive Model Fitting
11682 downloads --> atomsInstall("arfit")
MonteSci - Monte Carlo simulator with GUI
11456 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("montesci")
Digimetrie's Boards Tools - Provide functions ans Xcos Blocks for control of Digimetrie's boards
11309 downloads --> atomsInstall("digimetrie_Tools")
ProActive Connector - Large Scale Parallel Computing in Scilab with ProActive Scheduler
11119 downloads --> atomsInstall("ProActiveConnector")
Cardiovascular toolbox - Tools for analysis of cardivascular signals (time, frequency and time-frequency)
10792 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("Cardiovascular")
Computational Convex Analysis - Algorithms for manipulating and visualizing convex functions.
10680 downloads - 1 comment --> atomsInstall("CCA")
Image_Processing_Toolbox_2 - This toolbox provides some supplementary functions for Image Processing Algorithms
9827 downloads - 5 comments - --> atomsInstall("Two-Dimensional_Transformations")
NIDAQ - NI-DAQmx interface with Scilab
9088 downloads - 17 comments --> atomsInstall("NIDAQ")
OpenRTDynamics Real-Time Framework - OpenRTDynamics Toolbox for Scilab
8515 downloads - 2 comments - --> atomsInstall("OpenRTDynamics")
SiSeLi - Scilab Serial Port Library - Serial ports communication on Windows (Scilab 5.3+)
8190 downloads - 26 comments - --> atomsInstall("siseli")
krisp - Kriging based regression and optimization package for Scilab.
8183 downloads - 5 comments --> atomsInstall("krisp")
MPScilab - Arbitrary precision mathematical computing
7717 downloads - 7 comments --> atomsInstall("MPScilab")
Splspc - Sparse Least Squares Pre-Conditioned methods
7087 downloads - 5 comments --> atomsInstall("splspc")
OPC Client - OLE for Process Control Toolbox for Scilab
6959 downloads --> atomsInstall("opc_client")
Mutual Information Toolbox - Mutual Information computation and minimum-redundancy maximum-relevance feature selection
6728 downloads --> atomsInstall("mi")
Overload - Allow overloading of user-defined functions
6655 downloads - 1 comment --> atomsInstall("Overload_Toolbox")
Integer Wavelet Transform ToolBox - This toolbox provides some algorithms for efficient image processing
6629 downloads --> atomsInstall("IWT")
Conint - Confidence intervals
6396 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("Conint")
xmltodocbook - converts scilab 4.x help files to scilab 5 help files
5176 downloads - 1 comment - --> atomsInstall("xmltodocbook")
Restclient - A REST client for Scilab
4947 downloads --> atomsInstall("rest_client")
SMP - Some built-in to manage Scilab process on Windows
4924 downloads --> atomsInstall("SMP")
SciGLPK - An interface to the GLPK library for solving linear programs
4188 downloads --> atomsInstall("SciGLPK")
SciNLOpt - An interface to the NLOpt optimization method
3640 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("scinlopt")
SciCSDP - A interface to the CSDP library to perform semi-definite constrained optimization.
3393 downloads --> atomsInstall("SciCSDP")
mkltools - tools for optimized Intel Math Kernel Library used by Scilab
3221 downloads --> atomsInstall("mkltools")
SciLPSolve - An interface to the LPSolve library for solving linear programs
3148 downloads --> atomsInstall("SciLPSolve")
Binding for Salome MED libraries - This toolbox allows to manipulate 2D/3D meshes & fields, load/save them from/to MED files
2623 downloads - 2 comments - --> atomsInstall("MED")
Scholar - English version of Lycee for high school Education
2274 downloads --> atomsInstall("Scholar_Lycee_in_English")
Equation Solver (eqnsolver) - A toolbox providing various Numerical Techniques for solving an algebraic or transcendental equation.
1624 downloads --> atomsInstall("eqnsolver")
Integer Wavelet Transform ToolBox 2 - This toolbox is extended version of
463 downloads --> atomsInstall("Integer_Wavelet_Transform_ToolBox")