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Xcos toolbox skeleton (20522 downloads, updated June 27, 2024)
Skeleton to create an Xcos palette (implementation of blocks) toolbox
13 comments - --> atomsInstall("xcos_toolbox_skeleton")
Scilab Code Generator (34182 downloads, updated June 11, 2024)
Code generator for Xcos and Scilab
5 comments --> atomsInstall("xcos_code_generator")
SIMM (124916 downloads, updated June 3, 2024)
SIMM - teaching sciences for the engineer with Xcos
20 comments - --> atomsInstall("SIMM")
SciPowerLab (47265 downloads, updated April 27, 2024)
Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
3 comments --> atomsInstall("XCPL")
Coselica (188839 downloads, updated January 3, 2024)
Standard Open Modelica Blocks
25 comments - --> atomsInstall("coselica")
Arduino (263416 downloads, updated October 11, 2023)
Arduino Communication through Serial
109 comments - --> atomsInstall("arduino")
WG Serial Xcos IO Block (35930 downloads, updated May 30, 2023)
Provides a generic Xcos block that allows to connect embedded hardware IOs to a Xcos simulation.
9 comments - --> atomsInstall("wgserialxcosio")
Functional Mock-Up Interface (6609 downloads, updated March 29, 2023)
Add some functionalities to use (import/export) FMU blocks inside Scilab/Xcos
2 comments --> atomsInstall("fmu_wrapper")
Computing Experiment (41249 downloads, updated March 24, 2023)
Implementation of a computational experiment based on xcos
--> atomsInstall("computing_experiment")
Non-equilibrim process (17045 downloads, updated July 4, 2020)
Standard Non-equilibrim process Blocks
--> atomsInstall("Non235Equilibrim678Therodynamics")
X2C (12061 downloads, updated June 24, 2020)
Tool for the model-based development and code generation of real time control algorithms for micro pr
3 comments --> atomsInstall("X2C")
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (110418 downloads, updated March 13, 2020)
sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab
41 comments - --> atomsInstall("sciFLT")
MicroDAQ Toolbox (55018 downloads, updated October 22, 2019)
Data acquisition and real-time processing toolbox
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("microdaq")
Xcos STM32 toolbox (14882 downloads, updated June 30, 2017)
Add STM32 peripherals blocks to the palette, Code Generation
10 comments - --> atomsInstall("xcos_stm32_toolbox")
Mobile Robotics Toolbox for FireBird Robot (5368 downloads, updated March 11, 2017)
This toolbox provides blockset for real time control of Fire Bird robot by Nex Robotics
--> atomsInstall("FireBird_blockset")
Xcos Predictive Toolbox (18551 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Compute a RST predictive controler
2 comments --> atomsInstall("predictivemodule")
Xcos Left Wave Denoise toolbox (18835 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Denoise a real time signal using a wavelet filter
--> atomsInstall("leftwavedenoise")
Hart toolbox (5206 downloads, updated April 26, 2016)
Hardware Access in Real-Time for scilab/xcos
1 comment --> atomsInstall("hart")
Xcos Parrot ARdrone toolbox (10269 downloads, updated May 26, 2015)
Pilot Parrot ARdrone using Xcos blocks
--> atomsInstall("ardronemodule")
Aerospace Blockset (45917 downloads, updated September 16, 2014)
Aerospace Blockset for Xcos providing aerospace blocks based on CelestLab library.
5 comments - --> atomsInstall("aerospace_blockset")
Hybrid Automata Module for Scilab/Xcos (12042 downloads, updated July 18, 2012)
Toolbox enables visual modeling of hybrid automata in Xcos
2 comments --> atomsInstall("hyb_auto_module")