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sndfile Toolbox (25469 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Read & write sound files
4 comments --> atomsInstall("sndfile_toolbox")
Socket (39437 downloads, updated August 23, 2019)
Basic socket functions for Scilab
17 comments - --> atomsInstall("socket_toolbox")
OPC Client (6951 downloads, updated September 27, 2012)
OLE for Process Control Toolbox for Scilab
--> atomsInstall("opc_client")
ScilabSerialLib (8186 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
Serial ports communication on Windows (Scilab 5.3+)
26 comments - --> atomsInstall("siseli")
Scilab JSON Toolbox (17077 downloads, updated August 30, 2019)
A Simple JSON Toolbox for Scilab
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("json")
Database toolbox (15092 downloads, updated January 9, 2013)
Connect to databases, execute queries, load data to/from DB from/to Scilab environment
21 comments - --> atomsInstall("scidb")
Serial Communication Toolbox (95590 downloads, updated May 2, 2023)
A toolbox for communication over a Serial Port in Scilab
58 comments - --> atomsInstall("serial")
Digimetrie's Boards Tools (11297 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Provide functions ans Xcos Blocks for control of Digimetrie's boards
--> atomsInstall("digimetrie_Tools")
NIDAQ (9079 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
NI-DAQmx interface with Scilab
17 comments --> atomsInstall("NIDAQ")
portaudio - play and record audio from your sound card (6916 downloads, updated July 26, 2012)
portaudio - play and record audio from your sound card
8 comments --> atomsInstall("portaudio")
USB Toolbox (13943 downloads, updated April 1, 2017)
Provide a set to function to communicate directly from Scilab with USB Devices
9 comments --> atomsInstall("usb_toolbox")
Modbus (37250 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Modbus Interface
6 comments - --> atomsInstall("modbus")
Arduino (255702 downloads, updated October 11, 2023)
Arduino Communication through Serial
109 comments - --> atomsInstall("arduino")
serialport (9564 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Binding to native posix serial port
--> atomsInstall("serialport")
Xcos Parrot ARdrone toolbox (9797 downloads, updated May 26, 2015)
Pilot Parrot ARdrone using Xcos blocks
--> atomsInstall("ardronemodule")
MicroDAQ Toolbox (53380 downloads, updated October 22, 2019)
Toolbox for MicroDAQ real-time DSP control measurement system
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("microdaq")
VISA Signal Acquisition and Instrument Control Toolbox (25212 downloads, updated March 9, 2016)
Interface with National Instrument's Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA)
46 comments - --> atomsInstall("visa")
WG Serial Xcos IO Block (34480 downloads, updated May 30, 2023)
Provides a generic Xcos block that allows to connect embedded hardware IOs to a Xcos simulation.
9 comments - --> atomsInstall("wgserialxcosio")
cserial toolbox (320 downloads, updated June 29, 2020)
Serial port C MEX functions
2 comments --> atomsInstall("cserial")
Executing Task Sce Base (29687 downloads, updated July 6, 2022)
Calls the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the computational node from cloud project
--> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_base")