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Specfun (98606 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
A collection of special mathematical functions
7 comments --> atomsInstall("specfun")
Simpson Rule Integration (12 downloads, updated March 14, 2016)
a function definition to evaluate integrals using a numerical technique called simpson's 1/3 rule.
--> atomsInstall("simpson_13")
SCI_GSL (6060 downloads, updated August 21, 2020)
This toolbox provides the functionality of gnu scientific library (GSL) directly in SCILAB.
--> atomsInstall("GSL")
sciGPGPU (19709 downloads, updated February 11, 2016)
Gpu Computing for Scilab
20 comments - --> atomsInstall("sciGPGPU")
SciColpack (16549 downloads, updated October 13, 2023)
Scilab interface to CSCsw/ColPack
--> atomsInstall("scicolpack")
Rootfinder (6415 downloads, updated October 21, 2021)
A GUI for finding the roots of an equation using numerical methods
--> atomsInstall("RFG_Toolbox")
pendulumgui (5511 downloads, updated February 24, 2022)
A GUI for simulation of simple pendulum
2 comments --> atomsInstall("pendulumgui")
Orthogonal Polynomials (28120 downloads, updated March 22, 2023)
Orthogonal Polynomials (Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre, and Legendre)
--> atomsInstall("Ortpol")
odesolver (6826 downloads, updated October 21, 2021)
odesolver() creates a graphical user interface (GUI) for finding the solution an ODE with given initi
--> atomsInstall("odesolver")
Numerical Integration Techniques (integtools) (882 downloads, updated March 4, 2016)
functions to evaluate definite integrals
--> atomsInstall("integtools")
N-Queens (464 downloads, updated February 19, 2013)
Given an integer value for variable n, all possible n-queens solutions are generated.
--> atomsInstall("Nqueens")
Multiple Precision Arithmetic Toolbox (21609 downloads, updated August 30, 2019)
quadpruple and octuple precision arithmetic for scilab
5 comments --> atomsInstall("DD_QD")
MPScilab (7696 downloads, updated September 6, 2011)
Arbitrary precision mathematical computing
7 comments --> atomsInstall("MPScilab")
maple2scilab (17540 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
Conversion of Scilab arrays into Maple instructions
2 comments --> atomsInstall("maple2scilab")
LSF_Toolbox (32663 downloads, updated October 26, 2020)
A GUI for one variable Least Square Fitting and Interpolation(similar to MATLAB curve fitting app)
2 comments --> atomsInstall("LSF_Toolbox")
Knapsack (289 downloads, updated March 8, 2018)
0-1 Knapsack Problem
--> atomsInstall("knapsack")
Indirect Influences for Graphs (13916 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Algorithms to calculate influences of graphs
4 comments --> atomsInstall("indinf")
Indexed Names (2827 downloads, updated February 18, 2023)
Generating indexed names
--> atomsInstall("indexed_names")
Floating Point Module (23372 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Functions to manage floating point numbers
2 comments --> atomsInstall("floatingpoint")
Equation Solver (eqnsolver) (1620 downloads, updated April 4, 2016)
A toolbox providing various Numerical Techniques for solving an algebraic or transcendental equation.
--> atomsInstall("eqnsolver")
Double-Double (17560 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Double-Double floating point numbers
3 comments --> atomsInstall("dbldbl")
Diffcode (23769 downloads, updated April 16, 2021)
Automatic differentiation
4 comments --> atomsInstall("diffcode")
CPC_F (39106 downloads, updated June 8, 2017)
Funções para computação científica
--> atomsInstall("cpc_f")
Condition Number (18663 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Evaluates the condition number of functions.
2 comments --> atomsInstall("condnb")
CEMEF-UTN (18034 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
Finite Element Analysis Module for Truss Structures
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("CEMEF-UTN")
Assert (18416 downloads, updated September 2, 2016)
A collection of predicate functions
11 comments --> atomsInstall("assert")
Accsum (17931 downloads, updated July 17, 2014)
Accurate summation algorithms
2 comments --> atomsInstall("accsum")