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xls link (60949 downloads, updated June 29, 2023)
xls_link (Automation link with Excel) an easy way to call Excel (TM) from Scilab
67 comments - --> atomsInstall("xls_link")
SMP (4913 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
Some built-in to manage Scilab process on Windows
--> atomsInstall("SMP")
SiSeLi - Scilab Serial Port Library (8186 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
Serial ports communication on Windows (Scilab 5.3+)
26 comments - --> atomsInstall("siseli")
Scilab_XLL (13737 downloads, updated September 27, 2012)
Scilab Xll Add in for Excel (97 to 2007)
20 comments - --> atomsInstall("Scilab_XLL")
scetoexe (30237 downloads, updated May 5, 2023)
Builds an executable script .exe from a Scilab script.sce (Windows only)
27 comments - --> atomsInstall("scetoexe")
Pandoc (7512 downloads, updated April 21, 2020)
universal document converter accessible through a simple Scilab function
--> atomsInstall("pandoc")
mkltools (3215 downloads, updated November 1, 2010)
tools for optimized Intel Math Kernel Library used by Scilab
--> atomsInstall("mkltools")
MinGw toolbox (267738 downloads, updated August 24, 2023)
Dynamic link with MinGW for Scilab on Windows
93 comments - --> atomsInstall("mingw")
LCC-windows (34177 downloads, updated April 17, 2013)
LCC-win32 support for Scilab
16 comments --> atomsInstall("lcc_windows")
DDE Toolbox (15396 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
Dynamic Data Exchange client for Scilab
3 comments - --> atomsInstall("dde_toolbox")