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ATOMS : Licenses
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SCILAB License

1- Preface

The aim of this license is to lay down the conditions enabling you to use,
modify and circulate the SOFTWARE. However, INRIA and ENPC remain the authors
of the SOFTWARE and so retain property rights and the use of all ancillary rights.

2- Definitions

The SOFTWARE is defined as all successive versions of SCILAB software and their
documentation that have been developed by INRIA and ENPC.

SCILAB DERIVED SOFTWARE is defined as all or part of the SOFTWARE that you have
modified and/or translated and/or adapted.

SCILAB COMPOSITE SOFTWARE is defined as all or a part of the SOFTWARE that you
have interfaced with a software, an application package or a toolbox of which
you are owner or entitled beneficiary.

3- Object and conditions of the SOFTWARE license

   1. INRIA and ENPC authorize you free of charge, to reproduce the SOFTWARE
      source and/or object code on any present and future support, without
      restriction, providing the following reference appears in all the copies:
      Scilab © INRIA-ENPC.
   2. INRIA and ENPC authorize you free of charge to correct any bugs, carry out
      any modifications required for the porting of the SOFTWARE and to carry out
      any usual functional modification or correction, providing you insert a
      patch file or you indicate by any other equivalent means the nature and
      date of the modification or the correction, on the corresponding file(s)
      of the SOFTWARE.
   3. INRIA and ENPC authorize you free of charge to use the SOFTWARE source
      and/or object code, without restriction, providing the following reference
      appears in all the copies: Scilab © INRIA-ENPC.
   4. INRIA and ENPC authorize you free of charge to circulate and distribute,
      free of charge or for a fee, the SOFTWARE source and/or object code,
      including the SOFTWARE modified in accordance with above-mentioned article
      3 b), on any present and future support, providing:
          * the following reference appears in all the copies: Scilab © INRIA-ENPC.
          * the SOFTWARE is circulated or distributed under the present license.
          * patch files or files containing equivalent means indicating the
            nature and the date of the modification or the correction to the
            SOFTWARE file(s) concerned are freely circulated.

4- Object and conditions of the DERIVED SOFTWARE license

   1. INRIA and ENPC authorize you free of charge to reproduce and modify and/or
      translate and/or adapt all or part of the source and/or the object code of
      the SOFTWARE, providing a patch file indicating the date and the nature of
      the modification and/or the translation and/or the adaptation and the name
      of their author in the SOFTWARE file(s) concerned is inserted. The SOFTWARE
      thus modified is defined as DERIVED SOFTWARE. The INRIA authorizes you
      free of charge to use the source and/or object code of the SOFTWARE, without
      restriction, providing the following reference appears in all the copies:
      Scilab © INRIA-ENPC.
   2. INRIA and ENPC authorize you free of charge to use the SOFTWARE source
      and/or object code modified according to article 4-a) above, without
      restriction, providing the following reference appears in all the copies:
      "Scilab inside © INRIA-ENPC".
   3. The INRIA and the ENPC authorize you free of charge to circulate and
      distribute for no charge, for non-commercial purposes the source and/or
      object code of DERIVED SOFTWARE on any present and future support, providing:
          * the reference " Scilab inside © INRIA-ENPC " is prominently mentioned;
          * the DERIVED SOFTWARE is distributed under the present license;
          * the recipients of the distribution can access the SOFTWARE code source;
          * the DERIVED SOFTWARE is distributed under a name other than SCILAB.
   4. Any commercial use or circulation of the DERIVED SOFTWARE shall have been
      previously authorized by INRIA and ENPC.

5- Object and conditions of the license concerning COMPOSITE SOFTWARE

   1. INRIA and ENPC authorize you to reproduce and interface all or part of the
      SOFTWARE with all or part of other software, application packages or
      toolboxes of which you are owner or entitled beneficiary in order to obtain
   2. INRIA and ENPC authorize you free, of charge, to use the SOFTWARE source
      and/or object code included in the COMPOSITE SOFTWARE, without restriction,
      providing the following statement appears in all the copies: "composite
      software using Scilab © INRIA-ENPC functionality".
   3. INRIA and ENPC authorize you, free of charge, to circulate and distribute
      for no charge, for purposes other than commercial, the source and/or object
      code of COMPOSITE SOFTWARE on any present and future support, providing:
          * the following reference is prominently mentioned: "composite software
            using Scilab © INRIA-ENPC functionality ";
          * the SOFTWARE included in COMPOSITE SOFTWARE is distributed under the
          present license ;
          * recipients of the distribution have access to the SOFTWARE source code;
          * the COMPOSITE SOFTWARE is distributed under a name other than SCILAB.
   4. Any commercial use or distribution of COMPOSITE SOFTWARE shall have been
      previously authorized by INRIA and ENPC.

6- Limitation of the warranty

Except when mentioned otherwise in writing, the SOFTWARE is supplied as is, with
no explicit or implicit warranty, including warranties of commercialization or
adaptation. You assume all risks concerning the quality or the effects of
the SOFTWARE and its use. If the SOFTWARE is defective, you will bear the costs
of all required services, corrections or repairs.

7- Consent

When you access and use the SOFTWARE, you are presumed to be aware of and to
have accepted all the rights and obligations of the present license.

8- Binding effect

This license has the binding value of a contract.

You are not responsible for respect of the license by a third party.
9- Applicable law

The present license and its effects are subject to French law and the competent French courts.