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ATOMS : Lolimot details
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A fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree
(13058 downloads for this version - 28952 downloads for all versions)
Owner Organization
Administrator ATOMS
Samuel Gougeon
Creation Date
December 10, 2018
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.0.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("lolimot")
The Lolimot model (LOcal LInear MOdel Tree) is a model from the neural network
family. It is able to learn every kind of non-linear relationship.
Compared to a classical neural network, the learning phase of a LOLIMOT model is
quite fast and deterministic.
Once a model is learnt, you have an easy access to analytical derivatives of
your model through a call to the function estim_der_lolimot.

lolimot_estim — Computes the Lolimot estimation for a given vector
lolimot_estim_der — Analytical Lolimot derivative of a learnt model
lolimot_estim_vec — Computes the Lolimot estimation for a given vector
lolimot_export_der_model — Exports the partial derivative of a Lolimot model
into a .sci file
lolimot_export_model — Exports a Lolimot model to a .sci file
lolimot_learn — Learns a Lolimot model for a given inputs/output data set
lolimot_learn_valid — Learns a Lolimot model for a given inputs/output data
set and using a validation data set
lolimot_plot_part — Plot the Lolimot cuts for a 2D model
lolimot_read — Read a Lolimot model
lolimot_update — The function update the linear models of a given Lolimot
model for a given learning data set
lolimot_write — Saves a Lolimot model in a file

User manual:

WARNING: Most of functions have been renamed, with the 'lolimot_' prefix
Files (6)
[1.52 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Changes 2.0 -> 2.1
* Portage to Scilab 6
  - eval => evstr
  - getf => exec
  - printf => mprintf
  - MSDOS => getos
  - builder.sce

* functions renamed:
  - estim_lolimot       => lolimot_estim
  - estim_vec_lolimot   => lolimot_estim_vec
  - estim_vec_lolimot   => lolimot_estim_der
  - learn_lolimot       => lolimot_learn
  - learn_valid_lolimot => lolimot_learn_valid
  - read_lolimot        => lolimot_read
  - write_lolimot       => lolimot_write
  - update_lolimot      => lolimot_update
  - plot_lolimot_part   => lolimot_plot_part
  - export_model        => lolimot_export_model
  - export_der_model    => lolimot_export_der_model

* Help pages
 - First PDF version published
 - Encoding converted to UTF-8.
 - See also: short descriptions added.

* Bugs fixed:
 - in learn_lolimot(), modelOut definition as a mlist() had a wrong syntax.
 - in estim_der_lolimot(), dU and dV initialized to [] yielded some
   operation +[] warnings and subsequent errors.
 - in export_model() and export_der_model(), "\%eps" instead of "%%eps"
   in mfprintf() yielded some errors.
 - The demo wrote a file in the current directory instead of in TMPDIR.
 - The demo yielded some warning about plot().
 - Demo : Operation +[] issues fixed.
* Improvements:
 - _export_model() and export_der_model() could record data only in the
   current directory.

[165.43 kB]
Source code archive

[204.69 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.5.x

[233.30 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.0.x

[233.30 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x

[163.88 kB]
Miscellaneous file
User manual
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