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xmltodocbook (5155 downloads, updated June 24, 2016)
converts scilab 4.x help files to scilab 5 help files
1 comment - --> atomsInstall("xmltodocbook")
watersteamtable (1329 downloads, updated June 11, 2015)
enthalpy calculator
2 comments --> atomsInstall("enthalpycalculator")
uman - Unified user MANual (67605 downloads, updated April 29, 2023)
Help pages in console, with language switch, redirections, list of related bugs, summaries...
3 comments - --> atomsInstall("uman")
Toolbox Skeleton (34258 downloads, updated February 7, 2020)
Skeleton for new ATOMS packages
10 comments --> atomsInstall("toolbox_skeleton")
Specfun (98613 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
A collection of special mathematical functions
7 comments --> atomsInstall("specfun")
slr (9743 downloads, updated July 13, 2018)
A set of miscalleneous tools for scilab
2 comments - --> atomsInstall("slr")
Scithon - Scilab Python Toolbox (657 downloads, updated October 2, 2021)
Toolbox that embeds Python in Scilab.
--> atomsInstall("scithon")
Scilab Python Toolbox (22571 downloads, updated December 12, 2017)
Interface to Python from Scilab
--> atomsInstall("scipython")
Scilab AnimationToolbox (684 downloads, updated September 6, 2020)
A toolbox that provides the funtionality to parse,view and simulate the animation files in Scilab.
--> atomsInstall("SysSciAnimo")
scicheckupdate (1339 downloads, updated October 31, 2011)
check scilab update
--> atomsInstall("scicheckupdate")
Scibench (18253 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
A collection of benchmarks
6 comments --> atomsInstall("scibench")
scetoexe (30227 downloads, updated May 5, 2023)
Builds an executable script .exe from a Scilab script.sce (Windows only)
27 comments - --> atomsInstall("scetoexe")
Restclient (4936 downloads, updated October 3, 2012)
A REST client for Scilab
--> atomsInstall("rest_client")
Removed pages - documentation of removed functions (32562 downloads, updated April 2, 2023)
All pages of functions removed from Scilab 4.1.2 to 2023 gathered in a single place
--> atomsInstall("removed")
Python Interaction Mechanism in Scilab (22883 downloads, updated September 2, 2014)
Module to manipulate Python objects from Scilab
8 comments --> atomsInstall("PIMS")
ProActive Connector (11101 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Large Scale Parallel Computing in Scilab with ProActive Scheduler
--> atomsInstall("ProActiveConnector")
Network interface (588 downloads, updated March 23, 2015)
A basic server which accepts connections and sends a "hello world"
--> atomsInstall("socket-server")
Model Refactoring Toolbox (206 downloads, updated September 21, 2016)
Xcos model Refactoring in Scilab
--> atomsInstall("Refactoring")
Matlab/Octave Compatibility toolbox (23374 downloads, updated April 1, 2020)
This toolbox provides some functions for porting matlab/octave toolboxes to scilab
2 comments --> atomsInstall("moc_toolbox")
Mathieu functions toolbox (53413 downloads, updated March 28, 2020)
some functions to solve Mathieu equations and calculate some Mathieu functions
17 comments - --> atomsInstall("Mathieu")
Java Interaction Mechanism in Scilab (18904 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
Module to manipulate Java objects from Scilab
2 comments --> atomsInstall("JIMS")
Helptbx (91926 downloads, updated March 30, 2020)
Update the help of a module automatically.
4 comments --> atomsInstall("helptbx")
FOSSEE-Scilab-Octave-Toolbox (11924 downloads, updated April 22, 2020)
This is a Scilab toolbox to call octave functions. It requires octave to be installed on the system.
--> atomsInstall("FSOT")
Curl (453 downloads, updated March 18, 2015)
This module will wrap the curl library and make it available in scilab
--> atomsInstall("Curl")
Assert module (18416 downloads, updated September 2, 2016)
A collection of predicate, i.e. true or false, functions
11 comments --> atomsInstall("assert")
Apifun (141489 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
Check input arguments in macros
5 comments --> atomsInstall("apifun")