These functions provides the condition number of various elementary functions.
Their goal is to evaluate the potential numerical difficulty of evaluating
numerically a function at a given point.
We may use this module while testing a given function.
The toolbox is based on macros.
To get an overview of the functions in this module, use :
help condnb_overview
This module uses the apifun module.
The following is a list of the current functions :
* condnb_condnum : Computes the empirical condition number of the function f at
point x.
* condnb_acoscond : Computes the condition number of the acos function.
* condnb_asincond : Computes the condition number of the asin function.
* condnb_atancond : Computes the condition number of the atan function.
* condnb_coscond : Computes the condition number of the cos function.
* condnb_erfcond : Computes the condition number of the erf function.
* condnb_erfinvcond : Computes the condition number of the erfinv function.
* condnb_expcond : Computes the condition number of the exp function.
* condnb_logcond : Computes the condition number of the log function.
* condnb_plotcond : Plots the condition number of a function.
* condnb_powcond : Computes the condition number of the pow function.
* condnb_sincond : Computes the condition number of the sin function.
* condnb_sqrtcond : Computes the condition number of the square root function.
* condnb_sumcond : Computes the condition number of the sum function.
* condnb_tancond : Computes the condition number of the tan function.