Stixbox is a statistics toolbox which provides distribution functions, datasets,
statistical tests and plotting facilities.
The following functions have changed:
* regres(y,X) => regress(y,X)
* regresprint(fullstats) => regressprint(fullstats)
* qqnorm(x) => normplot(x)
* rexpweib() is removed. Now the distfun module does the job.
Please replace
x = rexpweib(n, l, a)
with :
distfuna = (1/l)**(1/a);
distfunb = a;
x = distfun_wblrnd(distfuna, distfunb, n, 1);
Please update your existing codes.
* Datasets
* getdata : Famous datasets
* Graphics
* Tutorial : Demos of the graphics.
* boxplot : Draw a box plot
* bubblechart : Plot a bubble chart
* bubblematrix : Plot a bubble chart
* filledbounds : Fill the area between two curves
* histo : Plot a histogram
* identify : Identify points on a plot with mouse clicks
* plotmatrix : Plot an X vs Y scatter plot matrix
* plotsym : Plot with symbols
* qqnorm : Normal probability paper
* qqplot : Create a QQ-plot
* stairs : Stairstep graph
* Logistic Regression
* lodds : Log odds function
* loddsinv : inverse of log odd
* logitfit : Fit a logistic regression model
* Miscellaneous
* betaln : Logarithm of beta function
* cov : Covariance matrix
* histocvimse : Cross-validation IMSE of an histogram.
* histocvsearch : Search optimal CV number of bins in a histogram.
* ksdensity : Kernel smoothing density estimate
* ksdensity_kernelcdf : Evaluate kernel for CDF
* ksdensity_kernelpdf : Evaluate kernel for PDF
* quantile : Empirical quantile (percentile).
* regres : Multiple linear regression
* regresprint : Print linear regression
* stixbox_getpath : Returns the path to the current module.
* summary : five-number summary for a dataset
* Polynomials
* polyfit : Polynomial curve fitting
* polyval : Polynomial evaluation
* Random Numbers
* rexpweib : Random numbers from the exponential or weibull distributions
* Regression
* cmpmod : Compare linear submodel versus larger one
* lsfit : Fit a multiple regression normal model
* lsselect : Select a predictor subset for regression
* regress : Multiple linear regression
* regressprint : Print linear regression
* Resampling
* T and extra arguments: How to use extra-arguments in T.
* ciboot : Bootstrap confidence intervals
* covboot : Bootstrap estimate of the variance of a parameter estimate.
* covjack : Jackknife estimate of the variance of a parameter estimate.
* rboot : Simulate a bootstrap resample
* stdboot : A bootstrap estimate of the parameter standard deviation.
* stdjack : Jackknife estimate of the standard deviation of a parameter
* Tests, confidence intervals and model estimation
* ciquant : Nonparametric confidence interval for quantile
* kstwo : Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic from two samples
* test1b : Bootstrap test that means equals zero
* test1n : Test that means equals zero (Normal)
* test1r : Test for median equals 0 using rank test
* test2n : Tests two normal samples with equal variance
* test2r : Test location equality of two samples using rank test