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Network Analysis and Routing eVALuation (36358 downloads, updated June 17, 2021)
Generation of random graphs and performance of routing algorithms
2 comments --> atomsInstall("NARVAL")
Scilab Graphviz Toolbox (1042 downloads, updated September 5, 2020)
Scilab toolbox to call graphviz-graph visualization functions
--> atomsInstall("scilab-graphviz-toolbox")
QuickPlot (50431 downloads, updated June 8, 2020)
GUI-based 2D line plotting tool for quick data browsing
10 comments - --> atomsInstall("quickplot")
Plotly (14478 downloads, updated April 21, 2020)
A modern plotting toolbox for Scilab, based on the open-source library
--> atomsInstall("plotly")
Indirect Influences for Graphs (14641 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Algorithms to calculate influences of graphs
4 comments --> atomsInstall("indinf")
Curve Fitters (curvefit) (3100 downloads, updated March 25, 2016)
To fit a given set of data points exponentially, linearly or to a polynomial.
--> atomsInstall("curvefit")
Fourier Series (fstools) (1405 downloads, updated March 25, 2016)
A toolbox for Fourier Series Approximations of Periodic Functions.
--> atomsInstall("fstools")
Dotsci (1895 downloads, updated October 9, 2015)
Creates an adjacency matrix from a dot file
1 comment --> atomsInstall("Dotsci")
Metanet (46029 downloads, updated October 15, 2014)
Graph and Network toolbox
17 comments - --> atomsInstall("metanet")