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HYDROTUR - HydroStab (341 downloads, updated December 17, 2024)
HydroStab computes the parameters of a digital speed governor in the operation of a power plant
--> atomsInstall("HydroStab")
sndfile Toolbox (27600 downloads, updated December 9, 2024)
Read & write sound files
4 comments --> atomsInstall("sndfile_toolbox")
Fmincon (33962 downloads, updated October 23, 2024)
Nonlinearily constrained multivariable optimization solver
8 comments - --> atomsInstall("fmincon")
Sci-IPOpt (79528 downloads, updated October 23, 2024)
A Non-linear Interior Point Optimization Solver
6 comments - --> atomsInstall("sci_ipopt")
CMA-ES (12411 downloads, updated April 18, 2023)
An algorithm for difficult non-linear non-convex optimization problems.
--> atomsInstall("CMA-ES")
FOSSEE-Optimization-Toolbox (51052 downloads, updated July 1, 2021)
Collection of interfaces for open source optimization solvers.
8 comments - --> atomsInstall("FOT")
Diffcode (25512 downloads, updated April 16, 2021)
Automatic differentiation
4 comments --> atomsInstall("diffcode")
Armadillo (388 downloads, updated August 26, 2020)
Integration of Armadillo Package to Scilab as Toolbox
--> atomsInstall("Arma_v1")
Sunflower optimization algorithm (SFO) (213 downloads, updated August 27, 2019)
nature-inspired optmization algorithm for nonlinear unsconstrained optmization
--> atomsInstall("sunflower")
Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox (26591 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
The PSO on Scilab
13 comments --> atomsInstall("PSO")
Computational Convex Analysis (10915 downloads, updated May 4, 2017)
Algorithms for manipulating and visualizing convex functions.
1 comment --> atomsInstall("CCA")
Sopi (3368 downloads, updated March 29, 2017)
An optimisation problem interpreter
4 comments --> atomsInstall("sopi")
toolbox_spgl1 (4915 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Scilab port of the Matlab SPGL1 toolbox
--> atomsInstall("toolbox_spgl1")
MDPtoolbox (12255 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Markov Decision Processes toolbox
--> atomsInstall("MDPtoolbox")
AMPL Scilab interface (28815 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
An interface to load .nl files created by AMPL
2 comments --> atomsInstall("ampl_toolbox")
Global optimization toolbox for solving unconstrained polynomial optimization problems
--> atomsInstall("Global_Optim_toolbox")
Network Topology Generator (13325 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
This module is dedicated to network topologies analysis.
5 comments - --> atomsInstall("NTG")
Quapro (57398 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Linear and Linear Quadratic Programming
2 comments --> atomsInstall("quapro")
Numerical optimization : functions minimizing (5978 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Functions minimizing
--> atomsInstall("opti")
Ipoptlib (893 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
Binary versions of the Ipopt library
--> atomsInstall("ipoptlib")
Unconstrained Optimization (22378 downloads, updated September 7, 2015)
Provide 35 unconstrained optimization problems
3 comments --> atomsInstall("uncprb")
Optkelley (21739 downloads, updated September 4, 2015)
Scilab software for Iterative Methods for Optimization
--> atomsInstall("optkelley")
CUTEr (16518 downloads, updated March 4, 2015)
Testing environment for optimization and linear algebra solvers
6 comments - --> atomsInstall("CUTEr")
krisp (8962 downloads, updated January 21, 2013)
Kriging based regression and optimization package for Scilab.
5 comments --> atomsInstall("krisp")
SciCSDP (3736 downloads, updated October 12, 2012)
A interface to the CSDP library to perform semi-definite constrained optimization.
--> atomsInstall("SciCSDP")
SciLPSolve (3526 downloads, updated October 12, 2012)
An interface to the LPSolve library for solving linear programs
--> atomsInstall("SciLPSolve")
SciGLPK (4620 downloads, updated October 12, 2012)
An interface to the GLPK library for solving linear programs
--> atomsInstall("SciGLPK")
SciNLOpt (4072 downloads, updated October 12, 2012)
An interface to the NLOpt optimization method
3 comments --> atomsInstall("scinlopt")
Conmin (7662 downloads, updated October 4, 2012)
A Scilab interface to the conmin optimization method
2 comments --> atomsInstall("conmin")
Simplex optimization toolbox (17612 downloads, updated September 26, 2012)
This package contains the simplex optimization method
1 comment - --> atomsInstall("simplex")
SciCOBYLA (13869 downloads, updated July 9, 2012)
An interface to the COBYLA optimization method.
3 comments --> atomsInstall("scicobyla")