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Scilab Code Generator (34620 downloads, updated June 11, 2024)
Code generator for Xcos and Scilab
5 comments --> atomsInstall("xcos_code_generator")
WG Serial Xcos IO Block (36440 downloads, updated May 30, 2023)
Provides a generic Xcos block that allows to connect embedded hardware IOs to a Xcos simulation.
9 comments - --> atomsInstall("wgserialxcosio")
Serial Communication (99631 downloads, updated May 2, 2023)
Communication over a RS-232 Serial Port with Scilab on Windows and Linux
58 comments - --> atomsInstall("serial")
Remote Exec (13751 downloads, updated July 11, 2022)
Implements remote command execution
--> atomsInstall("remote_exec")
Scilab Audio Module (9185 downloads, updated November 6, 2019)
This module allows audio recording inside SCILAB.
--> atomsInstall("bytecode_audio")
MicroDAQ Toolbox (55559 downloads, updated October 22, 2019)
Data acquisition and real-time processing toolbox
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("microdaq")
Scilab JSON Toolbox (17773 downloads, updated August 30, 2019)
A Simple JSON Toolbox for Scilab
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("json")
Xcos STM32 toolbox (15158 downloads, updated June 30, 2017)
Add STM32 peripherals blocks to the palette, Code Generation
10 comments - --> atomsInstall("xcos_stm32_toolbox")
Xcos Left Wave Denoise toolbox (19109 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Denoise a real time signal using a wavelet filter
--> atomsInstall("leftwavedenoise")
serialport (10383 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Binding to native posix serial port
--> atomsInstall("serialport")
OpenRTDynamics Real-Time Framework (8765 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
OpenRTDynamics Toolbox for Scilab
2 comments - --> atomsInstall("OpenRTDynamics")
VISA Signal Acquisition and Instrument Control Toolbox (26066 downloads, updated March 9, 2016)
Interface with National Instrument's Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA)
46 comments - --> atomsInstall("visa")
Xcos Parrot ARdrone toolbox (10495 downloads, updated May 26, 2015)
Pilot Parrot ARdrone using Xcos blocks
--> atomsInstall("ardronemodule")