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ATOMS : Conint details
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Confidence intervals
(977 downloads for this version - 6473 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 0.1.1
Michael Baudin
Owner Organization
Michael BAUDIN
Creation Date
May 15, 2012
Source created on
Scilab 5.3.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.3.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("Conint")
            The goal of this toolbox is to provide functions to 
compute confidence intervals for statistical estimators.
These confidence intervals are computed based on various 
probability distribution functions.

The toolbox is based on macros.


The following is a list of the current accsum functions :
 * conint_bernoullip — C.I. of the probability of a Bernoulli variable.
 * conint_bernoullipnumber — Number of experiments for a Bernoulli variable.
 * conint_normmu — C.I. of the mean of a normal variable.
 * conint_normmunumber — Number of experiments for a Normal variable.
 * conint_normvar — C.I. of the variance of a normal variable.
Files (2)
[34.94 kB]
Source code archive

[48.04 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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Comments (2)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Michael BAUDIN -- May 30, 2012, 01:13:35 PM    
The toolbox is not correctly packaged :

 ans  =
!Conint   0.1-2  allusers  SCI/contrib/Conint/0.1-2   I  !
!                                                        !
!helptbx  0.3-1  allusers  SCI/contrib/helptbx/0.3-1  A  !
!                                                        !
!assert   1.3-1  allusers  SCI/contrib/assert/1.3-1   A  !
!                                                        !
!apifun   0.3-1  allusers  SCI/contrib/apifun/0.3-1   A  !

Start Conint
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'Conint-0.1-2':
	get_absolute_file_path: The file conint.start is not opened in scilab.
 !--error 10000 

at line     337 of function atomsLoad called by :  

The toolbox name must be updated from "Conint" to "conint" : a mistake
of mine.


Comment from Michael BAUDIN -- July 16, 2012, 09:46:33 PM    

The previous problem has been fixed.



 ans  =
!Conint   0.1-2  allusers  SCI\contrib\Conint\0.1-2   I  !
!                                                        !
!helptbx  0.2-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\helptbx\0.2-1  A  !
!                                                        !
!apifun   0.3-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\apifun\0.3-1   A  !
!                                                        !
!assert   1.3-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\assert\1.3-1   A  !

Start Conint
	Load macros
	Load help

Start Helptbx
	Load macros
	Load help
	Load demos
	Type "demo_gui()" and search for "Helptbx" for Demonstrations.

Start Apifun
	Load macros
	Load help
	Type "help apifun_overview" for quick start.

Start Assert
	Load macros
	Load help
	Type "help assert_overview" for quick start.
	Type "demo_gui()" and search for Assert for Demonstrations.

 ans  =
!Conint   0.1-2  allusers  SCI\contrib\Conint\0.1-2   !
!                                                     !
!helptbx  0.2-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\helptbx\0.2-1  !
!                                                     !
!apifun   0.3-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\apifun\0.3-1   !
!                                                     !
!assert   1.3-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\assert\1.3-1   !

   TMPDIR = C:\DOCUME~1\Root\LOCALS~1\Temp\SCI_TMP_5976_

   001/005 - [SCI\contrib\Conint\0.1-2] bernoullip.................passed 
   002/005 - [SCI\contrib\Conint\0.1-2] bernoullipnumber...........passed 
   003/005 - [SCI\contrib\Conint\0.1-2] normmu.....................passed 
   004/005 - [SCI\contrib\Conint\0.1-2] normmunumber...............passed 
   005/005 - [SCI\contrib\Conint\0.1-2] normvar....................passed 


   tests                        5 - 100 % 
   passed                       5 - 100 % 
   failed                       0 -   0 % 
   skipped                      0 -   0 % 
   length                          8.06 sec 
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