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ATOMS : Image Processing and Computer Vision Toolbox details
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Image Processing and Computer Vision Toolbox

A Module of Image Processing and Computer Vision Toolbox for Scilab 6.0
(17192 downloads for this version - 263116 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 6.0 exists: 4.1.2
Tan Chin Luh
Owner Organization
Trity Technologies
Chin Luh Tan
Creation Date
March 17, 2017
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 6.0.x:
Linux 32-bit Linux 64-bit Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("IPCV")
            This module was previously based on SIVP module and now has been re-coded to
work with Scilab 6.0!


Currently the module covers following areas:

IPCV - Image Processing and Computer Vision Toolbox for Scilab 

1. Analytic Geometry 
plot3dot — 3-D Parametric plot for points

2. Filter Design and Visualization 
fft2pad — Pad smaller matrix with zeros to the given size before
immesh — Visualize 2D matrix using mesh plot, useful for frequency response
imsmoothsurf — Visualize 2D matrix using smooth surf plot, useful for
frequency response visualization. 
imsurf — Visualize 2D matrix using surf plot, useful for frequency response
mkfftfilter — Create frequency domain filter 

3. Image Analysis and Statistics 
corr2 — 2D correlation coefficient 
edge — Find edges in a single channel image. 
imhist — get the histogram of an image 
impixel — Return selected pixel coordinates and values 
improfile — Return profiles for the selected 2 points 
mean2 — Average/mean of matrix elements 
std2 — Standard deviation of 2D matrix elements 
stdev2 — Standard deviation of 2D matrix elements 

4. Image Arithmetic 
imabsdiff — Calculate absolute difference of two images 
imadd — Add two images or add a constant to an image 
imcomplement — Complement image 
imdivide — Divide two images or divide an image by an constant. 
imlincomb — Linear combination of images 
immultiply — Multiply two images or multiply an image by an constant. 
imsubtract — Subtract two images or subtract a constant from an image 

5. Image Block Processing 
im2col — Convert image into series of columns 
imblockproc — Distict block processing for an image 
imblockslide — Sliding block processing for an image 
imcolproc — Sliding block processing for an image, with vectorization 

6. Image Enhancement and Restoration 
imadjust — Adjust the intensity of an image from given source histogram range
to the destination histogram range 
imdeconvl2 — Deconvolution with L2 Regularization 
imdeconvsobolev — Deconvolution by Sobolev Regularization 
imdeconvwiener — Deconvolution with Wiener method 
imdecorrstretch — Apply decorrelation stretch to multichannel image 
imhistequal — Histogram Equalization 
iminpaint — Restores the selected region in an image using the region
immedian — Image median filter 
imnoise — Add noise (gaussian, etc.) to an image 
imwiener2 — Wiener filter for image 

7. Image Linear Filtering 
filter2 — 2D digital filtering 
fspecial — Create some 2D special filters 
imfilter — Image filtering 

8. Image Reading, Display and Exploration 
imdestroy — Destroy graphic window created using imdisplay (highgui). 
imdestroyall — Destroy ALL graphic window created using imdisplay (highgui). 
imdisplay — Display image using highgui for faster frame rate 
imread — Reads image file 
imshow — Display image in graphic window 
imwrite — Write image to file 
tifread — Special function to read 12-bits 1024x1024 CCD image 

9. Image Registration and Image Fusion 
imfuse — Image fusion 
imgettransform — Get transformation matrix from given source and destination
imphasecorr — Detection and automatic image registration for translation,
rotation and scale using phase correlation method. 
imtransform — Image affine transformation 
warpmatselect — Selecting points for image transformation 

10. Image Transforms 
imdct — Discrete cosine transform (DCT) 
imhough — Image Hough transformation 
imhoughc — Image Hough transformation for Circle Detection 
imidct — Inverse discrete cosine transform (DCT) 
imlogpolar — Remaps an image to log-polar space. 
imradon — Calculates the 2D-Radon transform of the matrix 

11. Image Types and Color Space Conversions 
hsv2rgb — Convert a HSV image to the equivalent RGB image. 
im2bw — Convert image to binary 
im2double — Convert image to double precision 
im2int16 — Convert image to 16-bit signed integers 
im2int32 — Convert image to 32-bit signed integers 
im2int8 — Convert image to 8-bit signed integers 
im2uint16 — Convert image to 16-bit unsigned integers 
im2uint8 — Convert image to 8-bit unsigned integers 
imgraythresh — Calculate Otsu's Global threshold value 
imnorm — Normalize input 2-D Image to the range of 0-1 for double, or 0-255
for uint8 
mat2gray — Convert matrix to grayscale image 
ntsc2rgb — Convert a NTSC image to the equivalent RGB image. 
rgb2gray — Convert RGB images to gray images 
rgb2hsv — Convert a RGB image to the equivalent HSV image 
rgb2ind — Convert RGB image to index image 
rgb2lab — Convert from RGB color space to LAB color space 
rgb2ntsc — Convert a RGB image to the equivalent NTSC image YIQ. 
rgb2ycbcr — Convert a RGB image to the equivalent YCbCr image. 
xs2im — Convert graphics to an image matrix. 
ycbcr2rgb — Convert a YCbCr image to the equivalent RGB image. 

12. Morphological Operations 
bwborder — Find border for an image 
imblackhat — Image blackhat 
imblobprop — Calculate blobs properties from labeled image 
imclose — Image closing 
imcreatese — Creating Structure Element for Morphological operation 
imdilate — Image dilation 
imerode — Image erosion 
imgradient — Image gradient 
imhitmiss — Image Hit-Miss 
imlabel — Find blobs in an image 
imopen — Image opening 
imtophat — Image tophat 

13. Object Detection 
Coming soon

14. ROI Processing 
imroifill — Fill and image using the border color of the selected region 
imroifilt — Filtering of a selected region 

15. Spatial Transformations 
imcrop — Crop image 
imcropm — Crop an image using mouse selection 
impyramid — Image pyramid reduction and expansion 
imresize — Resizes image 
imrotate — Rotate an image to given angle 

16. Utilities and Interactive Tools 
im2movie — Create movie from sequence of images 
imaddtext — Adding text to a color image 
imbreakset — Set the break event with Scilab figure 
imbreakunset — Unset the break event with Scilab figure 
imcaminfo — Show the supported raw resolution for an USB camera (linux only) 
imdistline — Measure distance between 2 selected points in pixels. 
imlsusb — List all USB devices connected to PC (linux only) 
impixelval — Interactive tool to inspect pixel value at selected point 
imrects — Draw Bounding Boxes on An Image 
imroi — Select region of interest and create a mask from it 
imselect — Select points on an image. 
rectangle — Draw a rectangle on image 

17. Video Handling 
addframe — Add a frame to the video file. (experimental) 
aviclose — Close a video file. (experimental) 
avicloseall — Close all opened video files/cameras. (experimental) 
avifile — Create a new video file to write. (experimental) 
avilistopened — Show all opened video files. (experimental) 
aviopen — Open a video file. (experimental) 
avireadframe — Grabs and returns a frame from a opened video file or camera
camopen — Open a camera. (experimental) 
camread — Grabs and returns a frame from a camera(experimental) 

Files (6)
[24.99 MB]
Linux 32-bit binary for Scilab 6.0.x
Build under Ubuntu 16.04
[18.40 MB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 6.0.x
Build under Ubuntu 16.04
[37.82 MB]
Source code archive

[20.66 MB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 6.0.x
Build with msvc120express under Windows 10

[25.66 MB]
Windows 64-bit binary for Scilab 6.0.x
Build with msvc120express under Windows 10
[1.78 MB]
Miscellaneous file
Quick start tutorials for IPCV
News (5)
Comments (1)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Otacílio de Araújo Ramos Neto -- March 30, 2017, 02:14:47 PM    
This toolbox is crashing Scilab 6 on WIndows 10 64 bits. To trigger the crash just run a
demo of this toolbox, like "Image Analysis and Stats". Where is the bugtracking
of this
Answer from Chin Luh Tan -- March 30, 2017, 03:43:34 PM    

The bugtracking system would be up later, please describe more about your issue:
1. Are you using Scilab 6 32-bit or 64-bit under win 10 64bit?
2. Can u try to manually run the demo "demo_imagestats.sci" line by line and try
to detect 
which line caused the crash? 


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