--> atomsInstall("SIVP")
Scilab needs a powerful image processing toolbox. SIVP intends to do image processing and video processing tasks. SIVP is meant to be a useful, efficient, and free image and video processing toolbox for Scilab.
Upload date : 2012-10-09 12:11:39 MD5 : fe7b1e1bfffab7c6a45fb2e3956ff8f3 SHA1 : 4dd4ca579ac27fdcea35a245ef2cfc2352e89180 Downloads : 2112 File list
Linux 32-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-10-09 12:13:36 MD5 : ef75b46093b44a59b08494444573c9a6 SHA1 : c04d4497c291aef7ad31f86d36b775e2a4d1aecc Downloads : 6455 File list
Windows 32-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-10-09 12:15:08 MD5 : 75950084950d028fa28573b0c55e6916 SHA1 : 3e27187726cf0e19a4ed30125751ae255fe25a04 Downloads : 22110 File list
Windows 64-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-10-09 12:15:23 MD5 : 742cca6cd8ab0391e6def0fe4760b7b9 SHA1 : b54bc87ca78415a6765ab9d1b9b3e8248950db9b Downloads : 21930 File list
Linux 64-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-10-09 12:15:28 MD5 : de9d6c157e318023256600f316acafe2 SHA1 : 658ce14c3573a078d6a9c5fc879c65ae9dc45ea4 Downloads : 8217 File list
It doesn't work in Fedora 16 (64 bits), the scilab reports the file libsivp.so is missing.
Hi, a new version will be release for Scilab 5.4 final release you can found source here: http://sivp.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sivp/trunk/sivp/ Allan
HI, Great job guys, I am workig with several cameras , I can open 2 cameras using camopen but as soon i try to open a third one appears an error 999 Camopen cant open a camera. Please tell me how can i have more that 3 cameras open at the same time. Thanks Rodolfo
I saw a recent post on OpenCV mailing list the other day. There is a maximum bandwidth on USB, so you might have to access extra cameras through other means. That may be your problem.
Hi Ricardo> I found an rare failure, i have a program rununig in a cycle and after 45 readings of the camera the system crash SIVP found a problem and i have to reset Thanks in advance Rodolfo
Having a problem with loading the toolbox on Scilab 5.4.0, on Win7. Keep getting the error " addinter: The shared archive was not loaded: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. " although the installation process went fine with no errors. Any suggestions? Asaf
Same for me. It would be nice in SIVP.start to load the help chapter _before_ the gateway. Actually, this would allow to view help pages even when the gateway has not been loaded (what is by far more frequent than for the help). Regards Samuel
It would be better to have image rotation function "i.e imrotate(im)" and function for getting pixel coordinate from image"i.e xgetpixel(im)". Thank you :)
Could not load this package on Ubuntu 32 bits, neither by atoms install, nor by manually building and loading. OpenCv is installed. atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'SIVP-': link: The shared archive was not loaded: libtiff.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
why i get error when run help of linalg_expm. I get warning !--error 4 Undefined variable: apifun_checkrhs at line 56 of function linalg_expm called by : please give me explain. Because I need it.
I was trying to preview a USB 2.0 Webcam using the SciLab Demonstration button/menu in the command window. Under SIVP I used the "Grab frames from a camera" and go through the GUI pop up and I see my camera it displays. However when I do this all I get is a black screen that doesn't appear when I use any other software to preview through the same camera. Any ideas???
Hi, Your toolbox is extremely interesting, and we thought of using it for video processing. To test it, I installed SIVP on Scilab 5.4.1, copied the lena.png file into a directory where I have write rights and tried : -->im = imread('lena.png'); -->n = avifile('lena.avi', [300;300], 30); !--error 999 avifile: Can not create video file lena.avi. As far as I understand, it seems that I need to compile the SIVP toolbox from the sources along with the Opencv lib. Am I right ? If this is true, that's too bad, since this is the whole purpose of an atoms module to provide out-of-the-box binary releases in working condition. Is there a release which is planned with pre-built Opencv binaries included ? Regards, Micha?l
Hello, I need to install the SIVP tool box. Unfortunately, when trying to load http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/SIVP/ from atoms, i have a checksum error, and the installation fails: atomsDownload : Le fichier t?l?charg? ne v?rifie pas la signature MD5SUM : - fichier : 'C:\Users\F214053\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\scilab-5.4.1\atoms\x64 \SIVP\SIVP_0.5.3.1-2.bin.x64.windows.zip' - MD5SUM attendue : '742cca6cd8ab0391e6def0fe4760b7b9' - MD5SUM consult?e : 'f0b9f08c33ccb19ff3d633f2c74b8426' Do you have a suggestion to solve the problem? I have scilab 5.4.1 64 bits Under Windows 7 Please note that on my previous computer, (Windows xp 64) with scilab 5.4.0, i had no pb to load the same version of SIVP. Thank you very much. Best regards JL Carel