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Scilab AnimationToolbox

A toolbox that provides the funtionality to parse,view and simulate the animation files in Scilab.
(1079 downloads for this version - 1079 downloads for all versions)
Balaji Ravichandran
Naveenkumar Madhesh
Ganapathiraj Thangavel
Owner Organization
Sysenso Systems Private Limited, India
Naveenkumar Madhesh
Creation Date
September 6, 2020
Source created on
Scilab 6.1.x
Binaries available on
The maintainer of this module has not provided binaries.
            - It provides the functionality to view the animation files from scilab.
 - It can be further developed to be an equivalent to Simulink 3D animation
 - It uses the open source Blender software to view and process the animation
 - To download the Blender software. Visit :
 - It required the blender installation directory to be in Path.
 - The Blender installation directory should be added in the environment
variable "BlenderPath"
 - The sample "BlenderPath" value will be "C:\Blender". This
value indicated blender.exe is present in "C:\Blender" directory.
 - Download the toolbox and extract the files into a required directory.
 - The toolbox is supported only in windows platform.
 - Change the directory to the extracted file directory.
 - Execute the builder.sce file to build the toolbox.
 - Execute the loader.sce to use the toolbox.
 - To see help type `help` in console.
 - To view an animation file. Type
animationView("SampleAnimationFile.fbx"). The
"SampleAnimationFile.fbx" file should be valid and present.
 - This toolbox supports the animation file formats

Files (1)
[18.82 MB]
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