The goal of this toolbox is to provide assert function. We emphasize the
numerical issues, with the goal of testing numerical algorithms more
easily. In particular, we provide a comparison function for two floating
point numbers, which allows to assert that two numbers are "close"
(including, but not limited to, equal).
The function of the assert module are designed to be used in Scilab unit tests
files (.tst files).
The following is a list of the current features:
* assert for true, equal statements
* assert that two floating point numbers are "close". Use an relative or a
absolute tolerance
* provide a sorting function for double complex numbers with a mixed
relative/absolute tolerance criteria.
The following is a list of the current assert functions :
* assert_close : Check that computed and expected are numerically close.
* assert_equal : Check that computed and expected are equal.
* assert_true : Check that condition is true.
and sorting functions :
* assert_compare : The default comparison function used in the sort-merge.
* assert_comparecomplex : Compare complex numbers with a tolerance.
* assert_sort : A flexible sorting function.
* assert_sortcomplex : Compare complex numbers with a tolerance.
The toolbox is based on macros.
To get an overview of the functions in this module,
use :
help assert_overview
* DONE : add a numerically aware sorting algorithm
* DONE : add unit tests for assert_compare
* DONE : add unit tests for assert_comparecomplex
* DONE : fix examples in assert_comparecomplex
* DONE : add unit tests for assert_sort
* DONE : add unit tests for assert_sortcomplex
* DONE : added a consistent callback.
* DONE : added increasing/decreasing direction.
* TODO : make a consistent use of the apifun module.