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ATOMS : Distfun details
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Distribution functions
(943 downloads for this version - 112805 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.3 exists: 0.4
Michael Baudin
Owner Organization
Michael BAUDIN
Creation Date
January 22, 2012
Source created on
Scilab 5.3.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.3.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("distfun")
            The goal of this toolbox is to provide accurate distribution functions. 
The provided functions are designed to be compatible with Matlab.


 * distfun_betacdf — Beta CDF
 * distfun_betainv — Beta Inverse CDF
 * distfun_betapdf — Beta PDF
 * distfun_betarnd — Beta random numbers
 * distfun_betastat — Beta mean and variance
 * distfun_expcdf — Exponential CDF
 * distfun_expinv — Exponential Inverse CDF
 * distfun_exppdf — Exponential PDF
 * distfun_exprnd — Exponential random numbers
 * distfun_expstat — Exponential mean and variance
 * distfun_gamcdf — Gamma CDF
 * distfun_gaminv — Gamma Inverse CDF
 * distfun_gampdf — Gamma PDF
 * distfun_gamrnd — Gamma random numbers
 * distfun_logncdf — Lognormal CDF
 * distfun_logninv — Lognormal Inverse CDF
 * distfun_lognpdf — Lognormal PDF
 * distfun_lognrnd — Lognormal random numbers
 * distfun_lognstat — LogNormal mean and variance
 * distfun_normcdf — Normal CDF
 * distfun_norminv — Normal Inverse CDF
 * distfun_normpdf — Normal PDF
 * distfun_normrnd — Normal random numbers
 * distfun_unifcdf — Uniform CDF
 * distfun_unifinv — Uniform Inverse CDF
 * distfun_unifpdf — Uniform PDF
 * distfun_unifrnd — Uniform random numbers
 * distfun_unifstat — Uniform mean and variance


 * distfun_erfcinv — Computes the inverse erfc function.
Files (2)
[184.05 kB]
Source code archive
[317.31 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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Comments (1)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Michael BAUDIN -- January 24, 2012, 11:23:23 PM    
The v0.1 is correctly packaged in ATOMS.

This is a test with Scilab 5.3.3 on Windows XP 32 bits.

   TMPDIR = C:\DOCUME~1\Root\LOCALS~1\Temp\SCI_TMP_852_
   001/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] betacdf...................passed 
   002/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] betainv...................passed 
   003/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] betapdf...................passed 
   004/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] betarnd...................passed 
   005/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] betastat..................passed 
   006/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] cdfbin....................passed 
   007/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] cdfgam....................passed 
   008/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] cdfnor....................passed 
   009/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] cdfpoi....................passed 
   010/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] erfcinv...................passed
   011/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] expcdf....................passed 
   012/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] expinv....................passed 
   013/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] exppdf....................passed 
   014/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] exprnd....................passed 
   015/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] expstat...................passed 
   016/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] gamcdf....................passed 
   017/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] gaminv....................passed 
   018/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] gampdf....................passed 
   019/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] gamrnd....................passed 
   020/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] gamstat...................passed 
   021/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] logncdf...................passed 
   022/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] logninv...................passed 
   023/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] lognpdf...................passed 
   024/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] lognrnd...................passed 
   025/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] lognstat..................passed 
   026/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] normcdf...................passed 
   027/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] norminv...................passed 
   028/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] normpdf...................passed 
   029/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] normrnd...................passed 
   030/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] normstat..................passed 
   031/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] unifcdf...................passed 
   032/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] unifinv...................passed 
   033/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] unifpdf...................passed 
   034/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] unifrnd...................passed 
   035/035 - [SCI\contrib\distfun\0.1-0] unifstat..................passed 
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