--> atomsInstall("lsitbx")
The Linear System Inversion Toolbox is a Scilab 5 toolbox for stable inversion of linear time-invariant systems. The inverses are optimal in the sense that some norm criterion is minimized. Decision delays are also implemented for some cases.
Upload date : 2010-08-15 21:59:50 MD5 : 575e1b97998cbba6ff650a08ccd95445 SHA1 : 47d5a5790c0f4d9851e5a6680c02a80e285dc712 Downloads : 489 File list
Binary version Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2010-08-16 09:51:15 MD5 : dde55d4deefda08ab28bceeeb020c5d3 SHA1 : f0d9b7c973332db13017803429a79d4a9e49d32d Downloads : 889 File list