--> atomsInstall("lsitbx")
The Linear System Inversion Toolbox is a Scilab 5 toolbox for stable inversion of linear time-invariant systems. The inverses are optimal in the sense that some norm criterion is minimized. Decision delays are also implemented for some cases. Changes in Version 1.0.2: * Shorter startup message * Tests are now integrated with Scilabs testing system * Improved documentation
Upload date : 2010-11-07 12:29:56 MD5 : baff90a7e7ee0839e8c77bec4a350d62 SHA1 : 3b3622000aef6128507d8106e074cd888f72c896 Downloads : 739 File list
Upload date : 2010-11-07 12:30:36 MD5 : baff90a7e7ee0839e8c77bec4a350d62 SHA1 : 3b3622000aef6128507d8106e074cd888f72c896 Downloads : 737 File list
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Upload date : 2010-11-08 09:30:20 MD5 : 3827a05362d2fba176804c7f33267d32 SHA1 : 96f08f87dc5f69f2cb77021da4622677f30aa8a9 Downloads : 3626 File list