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ATOMS : Pandoc details
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universal document converter accessible through a simple Scilab function
(5437 downloads for this version - 8456 downloads for all versions)
Creation Date
April 21, 2020
Source created on
Scilab 6.1.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("pandoc")
            This is a simple wrapping of the command line tool Pandoc available here:

The Scilab function take the following input parameters:

It can convert from:
-commonmark (CommonMark Markdown)
-creole (Creole 1.0)
-csv (CSV table)
-docbook (DocBook)
-docx (Word docx)
-dokuwiki (DokuWiki markup)
-epub (EPUB)
-fb2 (FictionBook2 e-book)
-gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown), or the deprecated and less accurate
markdown_github; use markdown_github only if you need extensions not supported
in gfm.
-haddock (Haddock markup)
-html (HTML)
-ipynb (Jupyter notebook)
-jats (JATS XML)
-jira (Jira wiki markup)
-json (JSON version of native AST)
-latex (LaTeX)
-markdown (Pandoc’s Markdown)
-markdown_mmd (MultiMarkdown)
-markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra)
-markdown_strict (original unextended Markdown)
-mediawiki (MediaWiki markup)
-man (roff man)
-muse (Muse)
-native (native Haskell)
-odt (ODT)
-opml (OPML)
-org (Emacs Org mode)
-rst (reStructuredText)
-t2t (txt2tags)
-textile (Textile)
-tikiwiki (TikiWiki markup)
-twiki (TWiki markup)
-vimwiki (Vimwiki)

It can convert to

-asciidoc (AsciiDoc) or asciidoctor (AsciiDoctor)
-beamer (LaTeX beamer slide show)
-commonmark (CommonMark Markdown)
-context (ConTeXt)
-docbook or docbook4 (DocBook 4)
-docbook5 (DocBook 5)
-docx (Word docx)
-dokuwiki (DokuWiki markup)
-epub or epub3 (EPUB v3 book)
-epub2 (EPUB v2)
-fb2 (FictionBook2 e-book)
-gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown), or the deprecated and less accurate
markdown_github; use markdown_github only if you need extensions not supported
in gfm.
-haddock (Haddock markup)
-html or html5 (HTML, i.e. HTML5/XHTML polyglot markup)
-html4 (XHTML 1.0 Transitional)
-icml (InDesign ICML)
-ipynb (Jupyter notebook)
-jats_archiving (JATS XML, Archiving and Interchange Tag Set)
-jats_articleauthoring (JATS XML, Article Authoring Tag Set)
-jats_publishing (JATS XML, Journal Publishing Tag Set)
-jats (alias for jats_archiving)
-jira (Jira wiki markup)
-json (JSON version of native AST)
-latex (LaTeX)
-man (roff man)
-markdown (Pandoc’s Markdown)
-markdown_mmd (MultiMarkdown)
-markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra)
-markdown_strict (original unextended Markdown)
-mediawiki (MediaWiki markup)
-ms (roff ms)
-muse (Muse),
-native (native Haskell),
-odt (OpenOffice text document)
-opml (OPML)
-opendocument (OpenDocument)
-org (Emacs Org mode)
-pdf (PDF)
-plain (plain text),
-pptx (PowerPoint slide show)
-rst (reStructuredText)
-rtf (Rich Text Format)
-texinfo (GNU Texinfo)
-textile (Textile)
-slideous (Slideous HTML and JavaScript slide show)
-slidy (Slidy HTML and JavaScript slide show)
-dzslides (DZSlides HTML5 + JavaScript slide show),
-revealjs (reveal.js HTML5 + JavaScript slide show)
-s5 (S5 HTML and JavaScript slide show)
-tei (TEI Simple)
-xwiki (XWiki markup)
-zimwiki (ZimWiki markup)
-the path of a custom Lua writer, see Custom writers below            
Files (2)
[24.95 MB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x

[24.95 MB]
Source code archive

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