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ATOMS : Plotting library details
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Plotting library

"Matlab-like" Plotting library for Scilab
(2915 downloads for this version - 71444 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.2 exists: 0.42
Owner Organization
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Creation Date
March 19, 2010
Source created on
Scilab 5.2.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.2.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("plotlib")
            This library is supposed to help you to make plots as if you were using Matlab.

By default all plotlib function names are defined with a leading underscore, for

_gcf, _gca, _plot, _surf, ...

in order to differentiate these plotlib functions from the original scilab
functions having the same name. If you want to use the classical names without
underscores, which will break some native Scilab graphic functions, just add the


in your .scilab file, which can be edited by calling

xpad SCIHOME/.scilab
Files (3)
[2.12 MB]
Source code archive
Corrected sources of 0.41 version solving the bug of demos using the PLOTLIB()
function (the path of Plotlib macros is now a global variable).
[2.12 MB]
Miscellaneous file
Corrected sources of 0.41 version solving the bug of trisurf.
[2.40 MB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.2.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the atoms compilation chain

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Comments (2)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Clayton Hiles -- April 15, 2010, 01:39:43 AM    

Firstly thank you for developing this wonderful module for SciLab.  I am a long time
Matlab user and your work made the transition to SciLab much less painful.  I have been
using plotlib0.21 with Scilab5.1 with great success.  

Recently I upgraded to SciLab5.2.1 and downloaded plotlib0.41 though the ATOMS module
manager.  Since this time I have not been able to make the "_trisuf" command work.  I
tried the most recent "nightly build" and this did not seem to affect the problem.  Using
the example given in the trisurf helpfile, the input and output looks like this:

 !--error 8 
Inconsistent addition.

at line     137 of function _update_leaf called by :  
at line     301 of function _mainPlot called by :  
at line      17 of function _trisurf called by :  

I am running SciLab on Linux Mint 8 - 64bit.  Any help you could provide in solving this
problem would be much appreciated.  Again, thank you for your hard work.

Answer from Stéphane MOTTELET -- April 15, 2010, 11:24:59 AM    
> Hello,
> Firstly thank you for developing this wonderful module for SciLab.  I am a long time
> Matlab user and your work made the transition to SciLab much less painful.  I have
> been
> using plotlib0.21 with Scilab5.1 with great success.  
> Recently I upgraded to SciLab5.2.1 and downloaded plotlib0.41 though the ATOMS module
> manager.  Since this time I have not been able to make the "_trisuf" command work.  I
> tried the most recent "nightly build" and this did not seem to affect the problem. 
> Using
> the example given in the trisurf helpfile, the input and output looks like this:
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> load('tridem.dat');
> -->_trisurf(nodes,xy(1,:),xy(2,:),P(:,3)','facecolor','interp');
>  !--error 8 
> Inconsistent addition.
> at line     137 of function _update_leaf called by :  
> at line     301 of function _mainPlot called by :  
> at line      17 of function _trisurf called by :  
> _trisurf(nodes,xy(1,:),xy(2,:),P(:,3)','facecolor','interp');
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I am running SciLab on Linux Mint 8 - 64bit.  Any help you could provide in solving
> this
> problem would be much appreciated.  Again, thank you for your hard work.
> -Clayton

I have uploaded a new revision 0.41-3 solving this bug. For the moment, only the source
files are available but they will enter the Atoms compilation chain rapidly.

Answer from Clayton Hiles -- April 27, 2010, 05:50:04 PM    
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Firstly thank you for developing this wonderful module for SciLab.  I am a long time
> > Matlab user and your work made the transition to SciLab much less painful.  I have
> > been
> > using plotlib0.21 with Scilab5.1 with great success.  
> > 
> > Recently I upgraded to SciLab5.2.1 and downloaded plotlib0.41 though the ATOMS
> module
> > manager.  Since this time I have not been able to make the "_trisuf" command work. 
> I
> > tried the most recent "nightly build" and this did not seem to affect the problem. 
> > Using
> > the example given in the trisurf helpfile, the input and output looks like this:
> > 
> > //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > load('tridem.dat');
> >  
> > -->_trisurf(nodes,xy(1,:),xy(2,:),P(:,3)','facecolor','interp');
> >  !--error 8 
> > Inconsistent addition.
> > 
> > at line     137 of function _update_leaf called by :  
> > at line     301 of function _mainPlot called by :  
> > at line      17 of function _trisurf called by :  
> > _trisurf(nodes,xy(1,:),xy(2,:),P(:,3)','facecolor','interp');
> > //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > I am running SciLab on Linux Mint 8 - 64bit.  Any help you could provide in solving
> > this
> > problem would be much appreciated.  Again, thank you for your hard work.
> > 
> > -Clayton
> I have uploaded a new revision 0.41-3 solving this bug. For the moment, only the
> source
> files are available but they will enter the Atoms compilation chain rapidly.
> S. 

Thank you for addressing my concerns in such an expedient manner.  Unfortunately I
continue to encounter the same error as above using revision 0.41-3 of the plotlib toolbox
and Scilab 5.2.2.

Answer from Stéphane MOTTELET -- May 20, 2010, 12:02:03 PM    
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > Firstly thank you for developing this wonderful module for SciLab.  I am a long
> time
> > > Matlab user and your work made the transition to SciLab much less painful.  I have
> > > been
> > > using plotlib0.21 with Scilab5.1 with great success.  
> > > 
> > > Recently I upgraded to SciLab5.2.1 and downloaded plotlib0.41 though the ATOMS
> > module
> > > manager.  Since this time I have not been able to make the "_trisuf" command work. 
> > I
> > > tried the most recent "nightly build" and this did not seem to affect the problem. 
> > > Using
> > > the example given in the trisurf helpfile, the input and output looks like this:
> > > 
> > > //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > load('tridem.dat');
> > >  
> > > -->_trisurf(nodes,xy(1,:),xy(2,:),P(:,3)','facecolor','interp');
> > >  !--error 8 
> > > Inconsistent addition.
> > > 
> > > at line     137 of function _update_leaf called by :  
> > > at line     301 of function _mainPlot called by :  
> > > at line      17 of function _trisurf called by :  
> > > _trisurf(nodes,xy(1,:),xy(2,:),P(:,3)','facecolor','interp');
> > > //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > 
> > > I am running SciLab on Linux Mint 8 - 64bit.  Any help you could provide in solving
> > > this
> > > problem would be much appreciated.  Again, thank you for your hard work.
> > > 
> > > -Clayton
> > 
> > I have uploaded a new revision 0.41-3 solving this bug. For the moment, only the
> > source
> > files are available but they will enter the Atoms compilation chain rapidly.
> > 
> > S. 
> Thank you for addressing my concerns in such an expedient manner.  Unfortunately I
> continue to encounter the same error as above using revision 0.41-3 of the plotlib
> toolbox
> and Scilab 5.2.2.
> -Clayton


In fact 0.41-3 did not fix this problem, but 0.42 does.


Comment from Mario Macri -- May 18, 2010, 05:44:23 PM    
I am running SciLab 5.2.2 (As administrator) on Windows 7
I downloaded plotlib0.41 though the ATOMS module manager.
But it seems is not working.

Look at this simple script in Scilab Console:

                 Consortium Scilab (DIGITEO)
               Copyright (c) 1989-2010 (INRIA)
               Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
Startup execution:
  loading initial environment

Start plotlib toolbox 0.41
Load macros
Load help
-->_plot(x, sin(x));

This part of the code is working OK, the graphic window is OK
with the sine curve.
But when  go to the graphic window menu...Edit Figure Properties...
The Figure editor is empty and in the Scilab Console:
  !--error 999 
TCL_EvalFile, at line 1 of file C:/PROGRA~1/SCILAB~1.2/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Figure.tcl
	can't read "wfortree": no such variable
    while executing
"$wfortree.y set 0.0 1.0".
at line      20 of function ged_figure called by :  
at line      87 of function ged called by :  
while executing a callback

Instead, the Axes editor seems to be working OK


Answer from Stéphane MOTTELET -- May 20, 2010, 12:03:16 PM    
> I am running SciLab 5.2.2 (As administrator) on Windows 7
> I downloaded plotlib0.41 though the ATOMS module manager.
> But it seems is not working.
> Look at this simple script in Scilab Console:
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     ___________________________________________        
>                        scilab-5.2.2
>                  Consortium Scilab (DIGITEO)
>                Copyright (c) 1989-2010 (INRIA)
>                Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
>         ___________________________________________        
> Startup execution:
>   loading initial environment
> Start plotlib toolbox 0.41
> Load macros
> Load help
> -->x=1:1:100;
> -->_plot(x, sin(x));
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This part of the code is working OK, the graphic window is OK
> with the sine curve.
> But when  go to the graphic window menu...Edit Figure Properties...
> The Figure editor is empty and in the Scilab Console:
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   !--error 999 
> TCL_EvalFile, at line 1 of file
> C:/PROGRA~1/SCILAB~1.2/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Figure.tcl
> 	can't read "wfortree": no such variable
>     while executing
> "$wfortree.y set 0.0 1.0".
> at line      20 of function ged_figure called by :  
> at line      87 of function ged called by :  
> ged(8,0);
> while executing a callback
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Instead, the Axes editor seems to be working OK
> Regards!


for the moment you should consider that the plotlib is uncompatible with the graphical
editor. Sorry.


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