--> atomsInstall("portaudio")
portaudio - play and record audio from your sound card pa_defaultinputdeviceid — Get current default input device ID pa_defaultoutputdeviceid — Get current default output device ID pa_deviceinfo — Information about audio device pa_getdevicecount — pa_gettlbxpath — pa_getversion — get version of used Portaudio library pa_getversiontext — get version of used Portaudio library as text pa_playwav — Playing audio pa_printdeviceinfo — pa_recordwav — Record sound using PC-based audio input device version 0.2 - beta * pa_recordwav fixed * ATOMS 5.4 compatibility * update portaudio library on Windows (v19 20111121 - stable) * update to use api_scilab
Upload date : 2012-07-26 14:03:42 MD5 : d9034273646f64c6911cc79c3eaae0d8 SHA1 : 997afe3a3afbfee1192b0797624265f6538fa045 Downloads : 1532 File list
Windows 32-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-07-26 14:05:38 MD5 : 4222aaf29cc0f7c22539793a5dea5c74 SHA1 : 660f1b6ee0a1f6c15316732a4861f67408192449 Downloads : 1928 File list
Windows 64-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-07-26 14:09:18 MD5 : 13b176ab50b22d7010b60e499db8ba40 SHA1 : 5fcf21ac168c4af6a93de39ff8332c8e68ad4882 Downloads : 3811 File list
This version requires Scilab 5.4 nigthly build >= 1330033860 Allan
Please notice that final version will be multiplatform (macos, linux, windows) Allan
> Please notice that final version will be multiplatform (macos, linux, windows) > > Allan When comes the port audio for mac/ linux? since port audio is on that platforms i suspect that also scilab/ Atoms will come Thanks Jan-Bert
Hi! Can this somehow be used with Linux?
Hi, Can you please send me a scilab script that demonstrates how I can write read simulantously a signal to and from the windows, 64 bit sound card? Thank you, Rene rene@arcada.fi
Hi I have installed the portaudio atoms package in a scilab 6.0.0 for windows, but I can not use it can you send me a demo script please? my email is jjrpasaye@gmail.com thanks
This module must be recompiled and repackaged for Scilab 5.5 and for Scilab 6.0 to become usable with these Scilab versions. No chance to make it working without that.
Could it be possible to recompile this toolbox for Scilab 6.0.2 ? Best and kind regards
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