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ATOMS : Fuzzy Logic Toolbox details
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Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab
(2857 downloads for this version - 111228 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.3 exists: 0.4.2
Holger Nahrstaedt
Jaime Urzua Grez
Owner Organization
Technische Universität Berlin
Holger Nahrstaedt
Creation Date
November 15, 2011
Source created on
Scilab 5.3.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.3.x:
Linux 32-bit macOS Linux 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("sciFLT")
            sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab.

2011-11-15   Holger Nahrstaedt
        * Launch Revision 0.4
        * The whole Toolbox is working under scilab 5.3.3
Files (4)
[1.04 MB]
Source code archive

[1.19 MB]
Linux 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Linux 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[1.16 MB]
macOS binary for Scilab 5.3.x
MacOSX version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[1.17 MB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Linux 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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Comments (1)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Administrator ATOMS -- November 15, 2011, 04:24:02 PM    

                Consortium Scilab (DIGITEO)
              Copyright (c) 1989-2011 (INRIA)
              Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
Initialisation :
  Chargement de l'environnement de travail
atomsInstallList : Le package sciFLT n'est pas disponible.
 !--error 10000 

at line      51 of function atomsError called by :  
at line      76 of function atomsInstallList called by :  
at line     227 of function atomsInstall called by :  
atomsInstallList : Le package sciFLT n'est pas disponible.
 !--error 10000 

at line      51 of function atomsError called by :  
at line      76 of function atomsInstallList called by :  
at line     227 of function atomsInstall called by :  
 ans  =
!sciFLT  0.4-1  allusers  SCI/contrib/sciFLT/0.4-1  I  !

Start Fuzzy Toolbox 0.4
	Load macros
atomsLoad : Une erreur est survenue au cours du chargement de 'sciFLT-0.4-1':
	xcosPalLoad: Unable to decode the URI : 
file:/home/atoms_cc/atomscc/compil/sciFLT_0.4/images/svg/scicos_complement.svg .
 !--error 10000 

at line     337 of function atomsLoad called by :  
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