This is the interface between Scilab and IPOpt, the solver for non linear
constrained optimization problems. IPOpt is available at
The current module provides the following functions :
* ipopt : Scilab interface to the IPOpt optimizer
The module has the following features :
* Manages nonlinearily constrained optimization problems.
* Manages the sparsity pattern of the gradient of the constraints.
* Manages the sparsity pattern of the Hessian of the Lagrangian.
* Allows to use Scilab sparse matrices instead of triplets (new 1.1 feature)
* Manages the linearity of the variables, of the constraints.
* Uses Mumps as the sparse solver (Paradiso for the windows version).
* Manages functions provided as macros, or as compiled externals (Fortran or
* 2008 - Yann Collette
* 2009-2010 - Consortium Scilab - Digiteo - Yann Collette
* 2010 - Consortium Scilab - Digiteo - Michael Baudin
* 2014 - Scilab Enterprises
* 2020 - Stéphane Mottelet
This toolbox is released under the GPL licence
Troubleshooting (Windows only)
With the actual version of Scilab (6.1) there is a mismatch between the version
of Intel Fortran runtime used by Scilab and Ipopt library. The first time you
load the toolbox, you will see the following error:
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'sci_ipopt-1.1':
exec: error on line #33: "link: The shared archive was not loaded: Unknown
To fix this, just type the following and restart Scilab:
If you get an error you may have to gain administrator rights before launching