The goal of this toolbox is to provide special functions.
The toolbox is based on macros.
Any distribution function (cumulated or not) should not be placed
into this module: the good module for this is distfun.
This module depends on :
* the apifun module,
* the assert module.
The following is a list of the current features:
* specfun_expm1 : Compute exp(x)-1 accurately for small values of x.
* specfun_gammainc : The incomplete gamma function.
* specfun_lambertw : The Lambert W-Function.
* specfun_log1p : Compute log(1+x) accurately for small values of x.
* Discrete Maths
* specfun_combine : Returns the all the combinations of the given vectors.
* specfun_combinerepeat : Returns repeated combinations with replacement.
* specfun_factorial : The factorial function
* specfun_factoriallog : The log-factorial function
* specfun_nchoosek : Returns the binomial number (n,k).
* specfun_pascal : Returns the Pascal matrix.
* specfun_subset : Generate all combinations of k values from x without
2010, DIGITEO, Michael Baudin
2009, Pascal Getreuer
Samuel Gougeon
Calixte Denizet