--> atomsInstall("supportvectormachine")
support vector data description is supported
Upload date : 2014-02-20 15:44:27 MD5 : 0bfb8975dd75aefdac2722dd7109f023 SHA1 : 7aa3717fe7e0ef9a5f9dc80ed03402c507acc19a Downloads : 599 File list
Binary version Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2014-02-20 17:27:03 MD5 : 02315a9b65757fb861c165eac4e7ad30 SHA1 : 51cfa4af83c8a337988a240aff3a5ff9f34b3f43 Downloads : 1667 File list
Your toolbox is not for scilab! I already port this toolbox to scilab, so please remove this toolbox. http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/libsvm
I don't get it : the sources are an interface for Matlab, Python and Java, but not for Scilab. I guess that this toolbox post was an error with respect to the Scilab context and i suggest to remove the "Available on ..." icons. Best regards, Micha?l
> I don't get it : the sources are an interface for Matlab, Python and Java, but not for > Scilab. > > I guess that this toolbox post was an error with respect to the Scilab context and i > suggest to remove the "Available on ..." icons. Right. This module looks like some SPAM