xs2tikz - Converting Scilab graphics to Tikz/PGF for embedding in LaTeX via
Copyright(c) by Manuel-Tobias Csapo, 2018.
Conveyed under the conditions of the GNU GPLv3.
Provides the following features:
- Gathering graphics data from a graphics handle
- Generating TikZ/PGF strings out of an attribute constructed from the gathering
- Writing the strings into a file
- Sample plots, accessible via an interface function
All those (except the plotting functions) are bundled by an interface function:
Call `help xs2tikz' in Scilab for more information about its usage.
Download the tarball
Extract the folder xs2tikz
Start Scilab
Switch to xs2tikz
Call 'exec builder.sce'
Call 'exec loader.sce'
Now you have created the necessary binaries.
This project has been created during an student employee project at
GmbH (www.it-designers.de)