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ATOMS : AdaptiveOptics details
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Adaptive Optics
(6590 downloads for this version - 6590 downloads for all versions)
Dr.Matthew Britton and Dr.Gleb Vdovin
Owner Organization
Luis Acevedo
Creation Date
March 8, 2013
Source created on
No source archive has been provided for this toolbox version.
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.1.x:
Windows 32-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("AdaptiveOptics")
            There are a large number of softwares that can execute adaptive optics
simulation. Most of them,such as WaveTrain and CAOS, are commercial or
proprietary products, and their inner mechanism are not known to other
researchers (AlthoughCAOS is  an open sourced software, but it is implemented in
the IDL, which is proprietary). Some other simulation softwares (LightPipes,
Arroyo,etc.) are open source, while these code are almost all written in
FORTRAN, or C/C++, and they have not good interfaces for other people to use.
Many of today’s codes (e.g. AOtools developed by tOSC) are written entirely or
partly in Matlab, which has the advantages of an extensive library of math
routines, very fast matrix operations, plenty of other toolboxes and very vell
graphical outputs. The main limitations of Matlab are the cost of the licenses
and the slow speed for non-matrix iterative calculations.

SciAO is an open source, cross-platform, and user-friendly toolbox based on the
Scilab / Scicos environment for modeling and simulation of wave optics,
especially the adaptive optics system.Although this toolbox is mainly be
designed to satisfy the requirement of AO simulations, we also moderately
consider the needs to some other optics simulation system (e.g. the simulation
of general Wave optics and imaging devises) and designed some software modules
for them, so this toolbox can also be used to simulating other optics problems
beyond the AO field.

Most of the programs of our SciAO toolbox are written by C/C++ language or based
on some excellent open source C/C++ libraries, so it is efficient and
cross-platform. At the same time, we also fully make use of the powerful
graphical and interface program ability, especially the dynamic modeler and
simulator (Scicos ) of the Scilab environment, so it is very easy for other
researchers or beginners to learn and use this toolbox to simulate their
peculiar adaptive or other optical problems. Our toolbox will be released under
open-sourced GPL license and all other people who are interested in this
software can download, modify, or use it if they abide this license.

In developing this tool we did not "reinvent the wheels". All of the
basic techniques and algorithms used in wave optics which had already been
implemented and tested for previous wave optics codes, and all of the
open-source code which we can acquire, can be used by our toolbox. Where it made
sense, we used the legacy or open-source code directly. In some cases minor
modifications were needed to satisfy integration requirements, and in some cases
it was simpler to rewrite the code. For open-source codes which we have used in
SciAO, we refer to Arroyo and LightPipes. (We have made some amall modification
to their original codes in order to let them accord with Scilab / Scicos
environment, or let them be able to cross-platform run under Microsoft Windows
and Gnu/Linux.) The authors Dr.Matthew Britton and Dr.Gleb Vdovin for developing
thease excellent software packages            
Files (4)
[4.81 MB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.1.x
	  Other Dependencies
scilab v4.0
fftw v3.0
cfitsio v2.401
lapack v3.0+
[36.22 MB]
Miscellaneous file

[20.18 MB]
Miscellaneous file

[14.30 MB]
Miscellaneous file

News (0)
Comments (10)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Luis Acevedo -- March 8, 2013, 02:58:29 PM    

developer: Chen jingyuan
other contributors: Gan guangyong, Tao yingxue, Zhang jiangzhu, etc.
Comment from Luis Acevedo -- March 8, 2013, 03:00:51 PM    
I am not the maintainer , Chen Jinyuan is the maintainer and he can not subscribe the 
toolbox because he does not have account.

Thanks , I have thought that it is a good idea to post this good tool for optical design.
Comment from Luis Acevedo -- March 8, 2013, 03:09:13 PM    
This program runs perfectly with SCILAB 4.0 32 bits
Comment from Samuel Gougeon -- March 8, 2013, 06:42:26 PM    
Hello Luis,
Could you please update the supported Scilab version: is <= 4.0 instead of < 5.2
If i remember right my own trials, it does not run with the last 4.x Scilab version that
was 4.1.2
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- March 8, 2013, 06:44:12 PM    
By the way, you may also tag it also into the Xcos category
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- March 8, 2013, 07:20:44 PM    
i was not addressing the AdaptativeOptics version (should be 1.0!)
but the Supported Scilab version: Please see the "Details" frame.
Answer from Simon GARESTE -- March 11, 2013, 09:56:54 AM    
> Louis,
> i was not addressing the AdaptativeOptics version (should be 1.0!)
> but the Supported Scilab version: Please see the "Details" frame.
The thing is that since ATOMS was released for the first time with the 5.2 version, you 
can't set it as available for <= 4.0.
Comment from Luis Acevedo -- March 8, 2013, 06:50:07 PM    
Hello Samuel

I have got Scilab 4.0 but i do not know how to upload the file here. Also you can request
from administrator Scilab.

Or send me your email and I will forward to you

Also I would like to upload the binary files but I do not know how to do it


Comment from Luis Acevedo -- March 8, 2013, 07:01:25 PM    
Hello Samuel

I have uploaded all the files that you need to run the program


Comment from Antony Galea -- November 10, 2013, 07:12:09 AM    
Hello All,

There are so many errors in the details above I would like to propose that the
administrator update the details or 
remove the entry. Details are available at

SciAO as originally released not an Atom but a Toolbox.

The authors are not "Dr.Matthew Britton and Dr.Gleb Vdovin" (who wrote Arroyo and
LightPipes, respectively), but Chen 
Jingyuan with the help of contributors.

The current release of SciAO is 0.2.5 which installs under Scilab 4.0.

The same sourceforge website also states "We have made some small modification to
their original codes in order to let 
them accord with Scilab/Scicos environment, or let them be able to cross-platform run under
Microsoft Windows and 
Gnu/Linux.", however I was not able to achieve this and searches on the Internet made
it clear that a number of people 
who wanted to do so were unable to do so.

Unfortunately, the author has not responded to attempts to contact him.

Comment from Luis Acevedo -- November 10, 2013, 01:50:42 PM    
This comment has been deleted.
Answer from Luis Acevedo -- November 10, 2013, 01:52:17 PM    
> Hello
> The packages work fine. I do not see the problem. I am running it in Windows 64 bits.
> It is 
> a toolbox under SCIAO. 
> Anyway it is difficult to contact with the Author as you said , I think that you can 
> implement the package as far as you like. However instructions from 
> are very clear and simple to run the program.
> Also you can implement it for a ATOM library if you want.
> Cheers
Comment from Luis Acevedo -- November 10, 2013, 01:54:01 PM    
It is fine
Comment from Antony Galea -- May 14, 2014, 06:09:29 AM    
Hello Luis,

This is a potentially interesting and useful package. The website states that
it's cross 
platform and can be implemented under Linux. If you search the Internet, you will see that
there are a number of people 
who have not been able to implement the package under Linux.

Further the authors themselves, who I did succeed in contacting several years ago, were
unable to explain, provide 
documentation explaining, or answer questions pertaining to how to implement SCIAO under

For those who might be considering attempting this there is one trivial typo in a
ac.configure file (see

I'd be happy to work on migrating SCIAO to Scilab 5.5 (using the updated dependencies) as
an ATOM if more readily 
understood documentation than that at
including an 
example were available.

I look forward to your response,

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