It consists several functions for image processing and pattern classification.
The functions are listed as follows.
Image binarization:
adaptthresh - adaptive thresholding for image binarization of a gray scale
iterthresh - iterative thresholding for image binarization of a gray scale
maskthresh - mask threshoding for image binarization of a gray scale image,
EmaxSeg - expectation maximization for image segmentation of a gray scale
Operations on binary images:
binaryand - performs AND operation of two binary images,
binaryor - performs OR operation of two binary images,
binaryxor - performs XOR operations of two binary images,
findContour - find the contours of objects in a binary image,
skeleton - computes the skeleton of objects in a binary image.
Digital Halftoning:
sierra- generates a digital halftone of a gray scale image,
colsierra - generates a digital halftone of a color (rgb) image.
Image denoising:
avgfilt2 - performs average filtering on a gray scale image,
medfilt2 - performs median filtering on a gray scale image
Brightness and contrast adjustment:
bricontra - adjusts brightness and contrasts of a gray scale image
hiseq - performs histogram equalization
Hierarchical Clustering:
dendrogram- plots the dendrogram for hierarchical clustering
linkage - computes hierarchical clustering by various methods,
padding - performs several padding operations,
pdist- computes pairwise distance between features
rot90- performs rotation of a matrix by multiple of 90 degrees
sqrform- converts a vector of appropriate length to a square matrix form and
vice versa.