--> atomsInstall("JIMS")
The JIMS module provides an easy way to create and manipulate Java's object in Scilab. jallowClassReloading — Allow the class reloading jarray — Create a Java array jautoUnwrap — Unwrap automatically returned values jcast — Cast a Java object into an other one. jcompile — Compile Java code jconvMatrixMethod — Set the way to convert matrices jdeff — Map a static Java method onto a Scilab macro jdisableTrace — Stop the trace process. jenableTrace — Allow to trace the internal functionnement of JIMS to help the debugging. jexists — Test if a Scilab Java Object is valid on the Java side jgetclassname — Give the class name of the given object jgetfield — Get the field value of a Java object jgetfields — Get all the fields of a Java object jgetmethods — Get all the methods of a Java object jimport — Import a Java class jimsgetpath — Returns the path to the current module. jinvoke — Invoke a method of a Java object jinvoke_db — Invoke a method of a Java object in using Java direct buffers jnewInstance — Creates a new instance of a Java class jnull — The Scilab version of the Java null object. jremove — Remove a Java Object on the Java side jsetfield — Set the field of a Java object junwrap — Convert a Java object into a Scilab native type junwraprem — Convert a Java object into a Scilab native type and remove it from the Java side jvoid — For no argument functions jwrap — Wrap a Scilab variable into a Java one if possible jwrapinchar — Wrap Scilab uint16 matrix into Java char multiarray. jwrapinfloat — Wrap Scilab double matrix into Java float multiarray. new — Creates a new instance of a Java class
Upload date : 2012-09-14 16:09:25 MD5 : d7d36ca1f79ab035c67df8afc9281efc SHA1 : faf906660face8ebb109131f606d743ba650bc48 Downloads : 1273 File list
Linux 32-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-09-14 16:20:05 MD5 : c3c35272c4a53a8254680ec348f1eaca SHA1 : b564717edb21f2ee0471d19430ac6ea7ad59d18c Downloads : 967 File list
Windows 32-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-09-14 16:47:36 MD5 : 4b02ca602cc52ea5e6fac1e7bd12c0e4 SHA1 : 7706966060ce6e9e5e1f499e6d5161eb0fed81a9 Downloads : 1033 File list
Windows 64-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-10-02 13:37:19 MD5 : bf35b361ab7d9afed9e5309f6f1c1762 SHA1 : 3598ee24671e2506436c7ee757eb1143fe895b71 Downloads : 1165 File list
MacOSX version Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-09-14 16:41:19 MD5 : 7e4e1fca6c78218b5e03da711657f30a SHA1 : 3309dffb9318844aa78898232190a1210d76040b Downloads : 1102 File list
Linux 64-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2012-09-14 16:43:50 MD5 : ab91c128869f66893bae196ad75c03dc SHA1 : 44cb140277673676a6018996daf1410beedb1f35 Downloads : 1173 File list
Hi, I've try to demos for JIMS. However, It seems that data type jvoid is undefined. My config as follow... - Win7 64bit - Scilab 5.4.1 - JIMS 1.2-1 Regards, Ibrahim