rootfinder() creates a graphical user interface (GUI) for finding the roots of
equations, using numerical methods.
(1) A user can select the method for finding the root using the dropdown menu.
It currently offers the Bisection method (default), False-Position method,
Newton Raphson method, and Secant method.
(2) In the next step, the user can enter the function or equation A useful
feature of this toolbox is that if you don't know the interval for finding the
roots, you can just press the Find Interval button and it will show you the
interval for finding the roots, and by selecting the interval it will
automatically filled in the initial guess edit boxes.
(3) If you don't want to select the interval from the list, you can also
manually type the values of the initial guess.
(4) After that, you have to select the stopping criteria for the root-finding
method and enter the tolerance value.
(5) After providing all the input, you can press the solution button, and it
will show you the root and a table containing all the relevant data.
You can also plot the equation to double-check the roots.