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ATOMS : Control Design Tool details
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Control Design Tool

Simple GUI for Control Design Using Root Locus
(6087 downloads for this version - 21175 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 2.0
Tan Chin Luh
Owner Organization
Trity Technology
Chin Luh Tan
Creation Date
March 25, 2010
Source created on
Scilab 5.2.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.2.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("RLDesign")
            This simple GUI allows the user to quickly view the response of a given tranfer
function (SISO System) on different close loop gain by adjusting the slider. 

The user could also implement their on controller on the forward path by keying
in the tranfer function of the controller.            
Files (2)
[14.54 kB]
Source code archive
RLDesign sources
[26.98 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.2.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the atoms compilation chain

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Comments (3)     Leave a comment 
Comment -- March 25, 2010, 10:16:06 AM    
Thanks for the package but why did you keep the toolbox_skeleton examples files ? Do you
need some help?

Answer -- March 25, 2010, 10:37:08 AM    
> Thanks for the package but why did you keep the toolbox_skeleton examples files ? Do
> you
> need some help?
> Pierre

I've submitted a thinner package with only the needed files and have compiled it. Please,
add at least one on-line help page.

Best regards,

Comment from Chin Luh Tan -- March 25, 2010, 01:46:04 PM    
Dear Pierre,

Thanks for your help in this, actually I was just trying on the atom by modifying the 

I would look into the on-line help page asap.

Chin Luh
Comment from Swagat Kumar -- March 31, 2012, 01:50:00 PM    
when I tried to install it Scilab 5.3 (Ubuntu 11.04), I am getting following error:


-->exec /home/swg/PROG/scilab/RLDesign/builder.sce
-->// This file is released into the public domain
Building macros...
-- Creation of [RLDesignlib] (Macros) --
genlib: Processing file: rldesign.sci
genlib: Regenerate names and lib
Building help...

Building the master document:

Building the manual file [javaHelp] in /home/swg/PROG/scilab/RLDesign/help/en_US/.
Total files without example: 1
Total generated html files: 3
Generating loader.sce...

--> exec /home/swg/PROG/scilab/RLDesign/loader.sce
START Control Design Using Root Locus GUI
	Load macros
	Load help
	Type "rldesign" to start the GUI

 !--error 999 
No 'Units' property for this object.
at line      29 of function figure called by :  
at line      12 of function rldesign called by :  

what could be the problem? Please help.

Thanks, Swagat
Answer from Chin Luh Tan -- April 9, 2012, 06:35:56 AM    
Hi Swagat,

Sorry for late reply. there are some changes in 5.3 engine I guess, you have to open the 
file, and delete the units line in the figure function.

figure(.......'Units', 'pixel') <-- delete both 'Units', 'pixel'


Chin Luh
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