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ATOMS : Scilab Image and Video Processing toolbox details
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Scilab Image and Video Processing toolbox

SIVP intends to do image processing and video processing tasks
(7834 downloads for this version - 213055 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists:
Shiqi Yu
Jia Wu
Shulin Shang
Vincent Etienne
Owner Organization
LIAMA - Institute of Automation - Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology
Creation Date
March 9, 2010
Source created on
Scilab 5.2.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.2.x:
Linux 32-bit Linux 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("SIVP")
            Scilab needs a powerful image processing toolbox. SIVP intends to do image
processing and video processing tasks. SIVP is meant to be a useful, efficient,
and free image and video processing toolbox for Scilab.            
Files (3)
[5.62 MB]
Source code archive
SIVP sources
[5.27 MB]
Linux 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.2.x
Linux 32-bit
Automatically generated by the atoms compilation chain

[5.28 MB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.2.x
Linux 64-bit
Automatically generated by the atoms compilation chain

News (0)
Comments (8)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Rober Perret -- May 1, 2010, 09:12:15 PM    
hola acabo de instalar SCILAB-5.2.2 y quise instalar el paquete  SIVP, a traves de scilab
pero al reiniciar scilab me aparece:
 "Start SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
 Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.   
ADVERTENCIA: OpenCV (version >= 1.0.0) is needed for loading SIVP"

que puedo hacer? 
Estoy usando fedora 12 86_64
Desde ya muchas gracias
Comment from Mark Dammer -- May 15, 2010, 10:45:50 AM    
It does not work on Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid". Opencv is installed. The package libcv4 installs, but not I tried to symlink to so.4, but it
did not solve the problem:

Startup execution:
  loading initial environment

Start SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
	Load macros
	Load gateways
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'SIVP-0.5.1':
	addinter: The shared archive was not loaded: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
Answer from agung setiadi -- September 19, 2010, 06:47:32 AM    
> It does not work on Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid". Opencv is installed. The package libcv4
> installs
>, but not I tried to symlink to so.4, but
> it
> did not solve the problem:
> Startup execution:
>   loading initial environment
> Start SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
> 	Load macros
> 	Load gateways
> atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'SIVP-0.5.1':
> 	addinter: The shared archive was not loaded: cannot open shared object
> file: No such file or directory

I've tried and success to install SIVP on Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid". Maybe this link is useful
Comment from Sylvestre LEDRU -- May 20, 2010, 03:11:20 PM    
I believe you should ship the dependencies into your ATOMS package.
Otherwise, the user will need to have the same version as the compilation chain...
Answer from Tanuja Sarode -- July 17, 2010, 01:47:05 PM    
> I believe you should ship the dependencies into your ATOMS package.
> Otherwise, the user will need to have the same version as the compilation chain...

How to ship dependencies into your ATOMS package
Comment from Jofre Pedregosa -- May 25, 2010, 03:59:56 PM    
I have the same problem Rober, which for those who do not speak spanish is having trouble
using this toolbox. 
After spending two days trying to run python with opencv in my UBUNTU computer, i tried to
give it a go to scilab + sivp. I have the same problem. What is even more funny is that
when I go to the menu bar "toolboxes" (I think, i use the french version), and click on
SVIP, I get:

SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox 0.5.0
Bibliothèque partagée chargée.
Edition de liens effectuée.

Which in English means, everything is ok, expect that it reads 0.5.0 and not 0.5.1 as when
I look at Applications menu.

However, the main issue is that none of the commands of the toolbox work. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Also, if anybody knows how to check if opencv was compiled with the ffmpeg flag on, as I
installed from synaptic.

Comment from Nabiha Hasan -- August 3, 2010, 11:15:05 PM    
For everyone who encountered:

"addinter: The shared archive was not loaded: cannot open shared object"

I was able to run SIVP successfully after creating symbolic links between the opencv
libraries in my machine and the versions needed by SIVP. Here are the steps:

1. Installed SIVP using ATOMS (from Scilab)
2. Installed opencv (yum install on fedora should be fine). (Please note: To enable video
support, you might need to compile and install opencv from source) 
2. Updated the PKG_CONFIG_PATH in my bash profile to point to opencv libraries (in my
machine /usr/lib64
3. Symlinked the libraries: with (on my machine) There are a
few other opencv libraries that need to be symlinked. You should know which ones after
performing this step and launching Scilab.  

Hope this will be of help...  
Comment from agung setiadi -- September 16, 2010, 02:57:04 PM    
hi, i'm new in using linux and scilab, i use linux 10.04, i want to install this toolbox
but always failed can anyone help me?

-->cd SCI/contrib/sivp-0.5.2
 ans  =
Building macros...
-- Creation of [SIVPlib] (Macros) --
genlib: Processing file: ycbcr2rgb.sci
 !--error 10000 
genlib: Impossible to open file ...b/contrib/sivp-0.5.2/macros/ycbcr2rgb.bin for writing
at line      38 of function getsave called by :  
at line     119 of function genlib called by :  
at line       2 of function tbx_build_macros called by :  
at line       2 of exec file called by :    

at line       8 of function devtools_run_builder called by :  
at line       3 of function tbx_builder_macros called by :  
at line      33 of exec file called by :    
agung setiadi
Comment from Palacz Przemysław -- December 16, 2010, 04:36:01 AM    
OpenCV detection does not work properly on Fedora because rpm does not provide .pc
configuration file. So to make it work on Fedora 13/14 (64bit) you need to remove lines
32-38 from 'scilab-5.2.2/share/scilab/contrib/SIVP/0.5.1/etc/SIVP.start', then in
'scilab-5.2.2/lib/thirdparty/' you need to create these symbolic links:
ln -s /usr/lib64/
ln -s /usr/lib64/
ln -s /usr/lib64/
ln -s /usr/lib64/
ln -s /usr/lib64/
Comment from kunal kishore -- February 3, 2011, 08:23:49 AM    
Good evening

I have installed scilab 5.3.0, and OpenCV-2.2.0-win32-vs2010.exe...i added SIVP_0.5.3 in 
the contrib folder of scilab 5.3.0, but i am gettind this error while executing 
loader.sce....please help....
-->cd SCI\contrib\SIVP_0.5.3
 ans  =
 C:\Program Files\scilab-5.3.0\contrib\SIVP_0.5.3   
-->// This file is released into the public domain
-->// Generated by builder.sce: Please, do not edit this file
--> v = getversion('scilab');
--> warning('Scilab 5.0 or more is required.');
--> return;
-->// ====================================================================
-->root_tlbx = get_absolute_file_path('loader.sce');
Start SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
	Load macros
	Load gateways
  link(opencvDllPath + 'cxcore210' + getdynlibext());
                                                     !--error 236 
link: The shared archive was not loaded: This application has failed to start because the 
application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

at line      54 of exec file called by :    
at line      12 of exec file called by :    

Answer from Allan CORNET -- February 3, 2011, 08:29:31 AM    
> Good evening
> I have installed scilab 5.3.0, and OpenCV-2.2.0-win32-vs2010.exe...i added SIVP_0.5.3 in
> the contrib folder of scilab 5.3.0, but i am gettind this error while executing 
> loader.sce....please help....
> -->cd SCI\contrib\SIVP_0.5.3
>  ans  =
>  C:\Program Files\scilab-5.3.0\contrib\SIVP_0.5.3   
> -->exec('loader.sce')
> -->// This file is released into the public domain
> -->// Generated by builder.sce: Please, do not edit this file
> -->//
> -->try
> --> v = getversion('scilab');
> -->catch
> --> warning('Scilab 5.0 or more is required.');
> --> return;
> -->end;
> -->// ====================================================================
> -->root_tlbx = get_absolute_file_path('loader.sce');
> -->exec(root_tlbx+'etc\'+'SIVP.start');
> Start SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
> 	Load macros
> 	Load gateways
>   link(opencvDllPath + 'cxcore210' + getdynlibext());
>                                                      !--error 236 
> link: The shared archive was not loaded: This application has failed to start because
> the 
> application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this
> problem.
> at line      54 of exec file called by :    
> exec(root_tlbx+'etc\'+'SIVP.start');
> at line      12 of exec file called by :    
> exec('loader.sce')

SIVP embedded opencv 2 (VS 2008 build)
I suppose that there is a runtime trouble between VS 2008 and VS 2010

Please check that you have VS 2010 runtime or uninstall OpenCV-2.2.0-win32-vs2010.exe

Have you do some others modifications ?

Why do not use ATOMS package ?

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