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ATOMS : Scilab-R-Toolbox details
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Toolbox that integrates R statistical functions with scilab
(5114 downloads for this version - 5114 downloads for all versions)
Venkat Ragavan S, Tarun A H, Garima Dave, Akash Manish Lad, Dr. Mohana N
Owner Organization
VIT Chennai
Mohana Natarajan
Akash Lad
Garima Dave
Venkat Ragavan
Tarun A H
Creation Date
August 20, 2020
Source created on
Scilab 6.1.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 6.1.x:
Linux 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("SciR")
            This work is a part of the Scilab Toolbox Hackathon organised by FOSSEE, IIT
Bombay in June-July 2020. (
Toolbox has an Implementation of various statistical functions of RStudio in
RStudio functions can be called from Scilab
Generalized syntax across all the functions improves the usability             
Files (3)
[152.91 kB]
Miscellaneous file

[152.91 kB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 6.1.x
Binaries for SciR Toolbox
[562.81 kB]
Source code archive

News (0)
Comments (1)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Nick Dordea -- February 3, 2022, 09:05:16 PM    
Hello Scilab-R-Toolbox team !

I just installed Scilab 6.1.1 on my machine [ opensuse leap 15.3  ], then
selected & installed some toolboxes from ATOMS among them Scilab-R-Toolbox  1.0.0 .

Restarting scilab, I noticed the message :

atomsLoad: The file '/data/ext4/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/contrib/SciR/1.0.0/loader.sce'
from (SciR - 1.0.0) does not exist or is not read accessible.

Please note that scilab is installed into /data/ext4/scilab-6.1.1 .

The directory data/ext4/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/contrib/SciR/1.0.0
was created by atoms install  and contains only third party subdirectory.  

The file loader.sce  does not exist 


On git Scilab-R-Toolbox  page I found the steps how to install the toolbox in Scilab.

I would like to install Scilab-R-Toolbox from git but I have some questions about step1 +
step 2

STEP 1:     Running the file using the command ./ in terminal. Copying the
header in thirdparty/linux/include along with '.so' file in thirdparty/linux/lib/x64 into
thirdparty folder in the toolbox.

Initialising R environment in terminal in linux using
"export R_HOME = /usr/lib/R"

STEP 2:     Launching Scilab by calling "./scilab"


Please note that : 
    1. On my machine, R ( 4.1.2 ) and  R studio are installed and operational.
    2. For opensuse-leap,  R_HOME=/usr/lib64/R

Is there any possibility to fix/correct the Scilab-R-Toolbox atoms install ?

Thank you 
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