--> atomsInstall("Two-Dimensional_Transformations")
This toolbox is aimed to provide supplementary functions for Image Processing Algorithms which are not available in the existing toolboxes.
Functions available in this toolbox are: 1. dct, idct 2. dct2, idct2 3. walsh transform 4. hadamard transform 5. radon transform 6. some special matrix generation functions used for image processing algorithms 7. phantom 8. para2fan
Upload date : 2013-05-22 09:23:23 MD5 : c93aef280df5eec49435dbd569b86d64 SHA1 : 5e5336809a192e0a5a9a19923352b4352e8f88c4 Downloads : 2444 File list
Binary version Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2013-05-22 11:38:50 MD5 : 6f2db3e4a8b31d235360f48f75c1e98b SHA1 : 544e48362aa1b6174700474899de8aa4eed415a4 Downloads : 8451 File list
Hi, This toolbox is not visible from the ATOMS GUI. It has no loader (i guess that the builder should be run and then removed before uploading the built toolbox). Scilab 5.4.1 now includes dct() and idct functions. The radonc() called from radon() is unavailable (likely needs a gateway that is not distributed): ->[R,xp] = radon(I,theta); !--error 4 Undefined variable: radonc at line 19 of function radon called by : [R,xp] = radon(I,theta); Regards Samuel
The author of this module received an e-mail from our part. As indicated here (http://wiki.scilab.org/ATOMS#From_5.3_to_5.4_family), he must create a 5.4 version to make it available for the 5.4 family, before anything else. > Hi, > > This toolbox is not visible from the ATOMS GUI. It has no loader (i guess that the > builder > should be run and then removed before uploading the built toolbox). > > Scilab 5.4.1 now includes dct() and idct functions. > > The radonc() called from radon() is unavailable (likely needs a gateway that is not > distributed): > ->[R,xp] = radon(I,theta); > !--error 4 > Undefined variable: radonc > at line 19 of function radon called by : > [R,xp] = radon(I,theta); > > Regards > Samuel
Hi, The ATOMS facility provides full versionning features. This is a great improvement w.r.t. to previous system, with which former versions of a module were not tagged as is, making a mess. This module looks to be a trial, since you re-published it as a new distinct module https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/IPT2, ignoring versioning possibility. Could you please cancel the present one? At least, please cancel all its files, that could be a way to tell "This module is not active". Thanks Samuel
Hi, I followed your link "https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/IPT2" downloaded and installed the zip-file "IPT2-2.0.1-src.zip" on Scilab 5.4.1. But as I wanted to use the radon transform, the following error mesage was show in the command window: Undefined variable: radonc at line 19 of function radon called by : [R,xp] = radon(I,theta); at line 5 of exec file called by : orial\Scilab_Code\Test_IPT2.sce', -1 What's the problem? Is a bug also in the new file? Or isn't it possibles to use the radon transform for Scilab 5.4.1 at all? Thanks Tobias
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Quoting, after http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/Two-Dimensional_Transformations#comment2092 http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/Two-Dimensional_Transformations#comment2099 and no news.