--> atomsInstall("comm_tbx")
This toolbox contains several functions which can be used so as to prototype modulation and demodulation algorithms (Software Defined Radio / SDR). The official web page is http://www.tsdconseil.fr/log/sct/index-en.html (full documentation available there). The project is 100 % written in SCILAB language (version 5.5.2).
Upload date : 2017-02-01 16:22:41 MD5 : 2289248cc949365870c930e006eba8f5 SHA1 : c6e6ea53d33c06a49ed261631bb722a65487a961 Downloads : 931
Binary version (all platforms) Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2017-02-01 16:43:07 MD5 : 32604923e08144092ee7024eb99410a2 SHA1 : f4896c3e18d8031130eac5672a61bbb7e7c3e644 Downloads : 5165
Hello, I don't manage to install the toolbox with Scilab 6.0.1. (OS Windows 10). Could you help me please...
I can not install for Scilab 6 Can anyone help Yasser
can't install on scilab 6.0.1 windows7 64-bit