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cserial toolbox

Serial port C MEX functions
(437 downloads for this version - 437 downloads for all versions)
Allan CORNET (Nelson software)
Owner Organization
Nelson software
software nelson
Creation Date
June 29, 2020
Source created on
Scilab 6.1.x
Binaries available on
The maintainer of this module has not provided binaries.
            C MEX interface for serial port.
 Compatible with all software supporting C MEX API.
 List of builtin availables
    - getPortNames() returns a cell with available ports.
    - id = openPort(port, baudrate [, databits [, stopbits, [parity,
[flowcontrol, [rtscontrol]]]]])
 supported baud rate: 0, 50, 100, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800,
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200, or 921600.
 data bits: 5, 6, 7, or 8.
 stop bits: 0 or 1.
 parity: 'none', 'odd' or 'even'.
 flowcontrol: 'none', 'hard' or 'soft'.
 rtscontrol: 'none', 'hard', 'soft', or 'best'.
    - [data, nbBytesReceived] = readPort(id, numBytesToRead) read data.
    - writePort(id, data) write data on serial port. data must be uint8 or
    - closePort(id) closes an port opened.
    - flushPort(id) flushs desired port.
    - st = getPortConfig(id) returns struct with port informations.
Files (1)
[68.75 kB]
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Comments (3)     Leave a comment 
Comment from jdjd ndnd -- March 23, 2023, 01:58:01 PM    
This comment has been deleted.
Comment from jdjd ndnd -- March 23, 2023, 02:08:29 PM    

I dowloaded cserial file from GitHub.

I ran builder.m in Matlab and it was succesfull. But I have problems with functions.
I got available port with getPortNames() function but then it's over.
I ran example file and I get this error.

Error using openPort
Cannot open serial port.

Error in example (line 9)
writerPort = openPort(ce{2}, baudrate);

Also I tried to exectue this row only:
id = openPort('COM3',115200,[ 8, [ 1, ['none', ['none',

Again I get error -> Error using openPort. Unsupported data bits value.

Any idea what's the problem?
Comment from jdjd ndnd -- March 23, 2023, 02:14:21 PM    
Then I also tried to execute builder.sce in Scilab (version 6.1.1).
I can't install atoms for cserial and builder does not execute at all.
I tried with CMake in Visual Studio Community 2019 and installed C compiler in Scilab.
I'm using TDM-GCC (64x) 10.3.0. Makes no difference, still not working. I get this

  "------------- Link files --------------"                                      
  "Creating library file: mexsciopenPort.aopenPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0x507):
reference to `__imp_c_serial_is_open'"
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0x51e): undefined reference to
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xb0e): undefined reference to
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xb38): undefined reference to 
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xb5b): undefined reference to
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xb8f): undefined reference to 
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xba8): undefined reference to 
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xbc1): undefined reference to 
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xbda): undefined reference to
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xbf3): undefined reference to 
  "openPort.o:openPort.c:(.text+0xc0c): undefined reference to 
ilib_compile: Error while executing Makelib.
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