gui2bitmap(…) takes a snapshot of the given graphical figure and stores it in
an image file. .png .jpg .gif and .bmp output encodings are supported.
It is a stand-alone Scilab function using only the JVM embedded in Scilab.
It does not require any external software, nor any hardcode compilation.
It aims to remedy to xs2png(…), xs2jpg(…), xs2gif(…), and xs2bmp(…).
Unlike them, it is able to
* include uicontrols (if any) in the image, as they appear on the GUI figure;
* snapshot the whole window embedding the figure, including the window
menus tools and status bars, and borders.
gui2bitmap(idFig, filename)
gui2bitmap(idFig, filename, withBorders)
gui2bitmap("setMenu", parentHandle)
gui2bitmap("setBorders", borders)
gui2bitmap("setScale", scale)
idFig : handle of the figure
filename : pathname to the output image file
withBorders: boolean
borders : vector of 3 booleans
[left_border, bottom_border, right_border]
scale : Screen display zoom factor, in percentage
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Bugs reports, comments:
Every user report is welcome, for success and failure, in particular on the
following OSes: Win10, Linux, MacOS X with/without retina display: