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ATOMS : Hybrid Automata Module for Scilab/Xcos details
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Hybrid Automata Module for Scilab/Xcos

Toolbox enables visual modeling of hybrid automata in Xcos
(1225 downloads for this version - 12160 downloads for all versions)
Ievgen Ivanov
Owner Organization
private individual
Ievgen Ivanov
Creation Date
June 1, 2012
Source created on
Scilab 5.3.x
Binaries available on
This toolbox is in the process of being built
            Visual modeling and simulation of hybrid automata in Xcos.
For specifications see SEP "Hybrid Automata Module for Scilab/Xcos"

A hybrid automaton is a well known discrete-continuous mathematical model.
Its behavior consists of discrete state transitions and continuous evolution.
A simple example is a room-thermostat-heater system where the temperature of 
a room evolves according to laws of thermodynamics and the state of the 
heater is (on/off). Hybrid automata are used to model a variety of embedded

This toolbox adds tools for visual editing and simulation of hybrid automata to
Xcos block diagram editor. Although it is possible to model hybrid automata
behavior directly in Xcos (e.g. using AUTOMAT block), such modeling requires
manual translation of hybrid automaton state diagrams to block diagrams -
inconvenient and error-prone process. With this toolbox, a user is able to model
hybrid automata directly in terms of state diagrams.
Files (1)
[782.55 kB]
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Source package (compatible with Scilab 5.3.1 - 5.3.3) 
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