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ATOMS : Indirect Influences for Graphs details
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Indirect Influences for Graphs

Algorithms to calculate influences of graphs
(260 downloads for this version - 14583 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.4 exists: 1.55
Jorge Catumba
Owner Organization
U. Sergio Arboleda, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Jorge Catumba
Creation Date
February 29, 2012
Source created on
Scilab 5.4.x
Binaries available on
This toolbox is in the process of being built
            Algorithms to calculate indirect influences and others for matrices. The
functions given with this package are:
 * polyexpm - Function that returns the exponential matrix of a polynomial
 * polylogm - Function that returns the logarithm matrix of a polynomial
 * micmac - Function that applies the MICMAC method to a direct influences
 * pagerank - Function that applies the PageRank method to a direct influences
 * pwpIndInf - Function that applies the PWP method to a direct influences
 * InpwpIndInf - Function that applies the inverse of the PWP method to a direct
influences matrix.
 * heatkernel - Function that applies the Heat Kernel method to a direct
influences matrix.
 * invheatkernel - Function that applies the inverse of the Heat Kernel mehtod
to a direct influences matrix.
 * sum_matrix_blocks - Function that sums the blocks of a squared matrix.
 * part_adj_mat - Function that calculates the adjcacency matrix of a partition
graph for a given graph.

The repository of the code can be found in            
Files (1)
[144.57 kB]
Source code archive

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