Some built-in to tune MKL used by scilab
MKL_Installed - Returns if MKL is installed and used.
MKL_Get_Version - Returns information about the active library C version.
MKL_Get_Version_String - Gets the library version string.
MKL_Free_Buffers - Frees memory buffers.
MKL_Thread_Free_Buffers - Frees memory buffers allocated in the current thread
MKL_Mem_Stat - Reports amount of memory utilized by MKL Memory Manager.
MKL_Get_Cpu_Clocks - Returns full precision elapsed CPU clocks.
MKL_Get_Cpu_Frequency - Returns CPU frequency value in GHz.
MKL_Set_Cpu_Frequency - Sets CPU frequency value in GHz.
MKL_Set_Num_Threads - Suggests the number of threads to use.
MKL_Get_Max_Threads - Inquires about the number of threads targeted for
MKL_Dom_Set_Num_Threads - Suggests the number of threads for a particular
function domain.
MKL_Dom_Get_Max_Threads - Inquires about the number of threads targeted for
parallelism in different domains.
MKL_Set_Dynamic - Enables Intel MKL to dynamically change the number of
MKL_Get_Dynamic - Returns current value of MKL_DYNAMIC variable.
MKL_Enable_Instructions - Allows dispatching Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions