--> atomsInstall("mpi_scilab")
MPI interface package release. Extension package implements a messaging interface between different scilab processes. To exchange messages between scilab processes you must install message server. This server is listing tcl-code. To download this listing go to url: https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/mpi_scilab/0.1.4/files/messageServer.tcl https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/mpi_scilab/0.1.5/files/serverExecMessage.tcl To launch this listing please using in command line command: tclsh messageServer.tcl <port> To install tcl interpreter in OS Windows, please using ActiveTcl distributive. To download ActiveTcl distributive go to url: https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/mpi_scilab/0.1.0/files/ActiveTcl.exe In OS linux tcl is included in standart distributive. This listing messageServer.tcl launch must be added in autoload.
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Upload date : 2022-03-15 19:54:25 MD5 : 3f559a75901d910521737f3aa5c36d11 SHA1 : bb72fe37ea7ea82cfa0d156f26a7a12d5fc8ceac Downloads : 4384
Upload date : 2022-03-15 19:56:14 MD5 : 68b44f79cc39cc17e86cfa5e0a268e46 SHA1 : 4ce7d08a49f52a5b1ff260f5f657ef67355a64ba Downloads : 721