--> atomsInstall("plotlib")
This library is supposed to help you to make plots as if you were using Matlab. The version 0.46 solves problems with Scilab 5.5.0 version
Upload date : 2015-05-23 11:03:48 MD5 : 219f5f3458052a9829819cdf2bc39e15 SHA1 : eaf42920fb54e9f1619a2f8d9c0d6b6624b218c3 Downloads : 4880 File list
Binary version Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2015-05-25 09:45:51 MD5 : 2e06759062e20eb0f1f51211a036136e SHA1 : d275463d6e1fd9d3fa576ad87679a574fa231b0e Downloads : 16510 File list
Hi: When i try to plot something with the function plot(x,y) an error message appears: -->plot(x,y) !--error 999 plot2d: Wrong value for frameflag option. at line 44 of function _update_leaf called by : at line 332 of function _mainPlot called by : at line 28 of function plot called by : plot(x,y) How can i fix this?
> Hi: > When i try to plot something with the function plot(x,y) an error message appears: > > -->plot(x,y) > !--error 999 > plot2d: Wrong value for frameflag option. > at line 44 of function _update_leaf called by : > at line 332 of function _mainPlot called by : > at line 28 of function plot called by : > plot(x,y) > > How can i fix this? Hello, This is a problem due to a regression in plot2d Scilab fonction. The new version 0.46-3 of the plotlib solves this problem. The package has not been built in the Atoms portal but you can already download the source package and build it yourself. S.
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Hello, I have installed the plotlib toolbox on Scilab 6.0.1. By starting Scilab the following error message appears: > Start plotlib toolbox 0.46 > Load macros > atomsLoad: Beim Laden von 'plotlib-0.46' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: lib: Old binary lib detected. Please recompile it for Scilab 6. > at line 118 of function main_menubar_cb ( C:\Program Files\scilab-6.0.1 \modules\gui\macros\main_menubar_cb.sci line 129 ) Is a plotlib Version available, which is compatible with Scilab 6? Can I do something, in order to fix this? Thank you in Advance for your help. B. Hennequin
Hello, I have to admit that I didn't have time to finish porting the plotlib to Scilab 6 (I was devoted to more general stuff for Scilab itself: bugs, release 6.0.2, and so on). But stay tuned, I am still working on it. S.
Hello, there occurs a warning, when compiling (3. Execute builder.sce to generate .bin files) the trunk-version (rev78) of this toolbox for Scilab 6.0.2: line 27 of builder.sce: tbx_build_loader(TOOLBOX_NAME, toolbox_dir); should be replaced with: tbx_build_loader(toolbox_dir); After changing this line, the compilation runs without error. When starting Scilab 6.0.2 after this compilation, an error comes up: =================================================================== Start plotlib toolbox 0.46 Load macros Load help at line 32 of function uimenu ( C:\Users\stefans\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\SCILAB~1.2\atoms\x64\plotlib\0.46\macros\uimenu.sc i line 32 ) at line 55 of function toolboxes ( C:\Program Files\scilab- 6.0.2\modules\core\macros\toolboxes.sci line 70 ) at line -88 of executed file C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.2\contrib\loader.sce at line 5 of function loadContrib get: Could not read property 'type' for root object. =================================================================== Dont understand this, sinc3e the 'type'-property is used several times in the same script (uimenu.sci). Didnt use this toolbox excessively to say, if its a good one or has even more bugs. But for now, sounds good. BR Stefan