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Point Cloud Toolbox

Integration of functions of Point Cloud Library with scilab.
(7518 downloads for this version - 7518 downloads for all versions)
Ankit Kumar
Akshay S Rao
Mohammed Rehab Sait
Aliasgar AV
Owner Organization
Private Individual
Ankit Kumar
Creation Date
August 27, 2020
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 6.0.x:
Linux 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("point_cloud_toolbox")
            Description: Point Cloud Toolbox Version 0.1.0

This work is a part of the Scilab Toolbox Hackathon organised by FOSSEE, IIT
Bombay in June-July 2020.

NOTE: Go through README to follow installation instructions. You can also refer
to this video for installation:

Point Cloud Toolbox is to interface functions of Point Cloud Library verion
1.11.0 with Scilab 6.0.2. The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large
scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.(

The toolbox supports 41 functions which use different modules present in PCL.

  * Conversion of formats 
  * Estimation
  * Filters
	-Progressive morphological_filter
  * Sampling
  * Reconstruction
  * Miscellaneous (transformations; random generation; viewer;  computing error,
hull so on)

The interface is designed to combine performance and convenience and to save
time required during the installation process.

Installation is also simplified. No installation of Point Cloud Library, or
system configuration, are needed to use PointCloud Toolbox. 

The dependencies are
  * FLANN(minimum version required is 1.7.1)
  * Eigen(minimum version required is version 3.0)
  * Boost(minimum version required is version 1.4)
  * VTK( minimum version required is 5.6)             
Files (3)
[39.60 MB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 6.0.x

[39.60 MB]
Source code archive

[3.89 kB]
Miscellaneous file

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