Scilab Computer Vision Module (scicv) is the Scilab interface to the OpenCV
library (in version 4.8.1 in this version of the toolbox).
The purpose of this toolbox is to provide an access to all the functions and
objects of OpenCV in Scilab.
The following feature domains are (or will be) covered:
- I/O and GUI (OpenCV module highgui)
- Image processing (imgproc)
- Object detection (objdetect)
- 2D feature detection (feature2d)
- Video (video)
- Computational photography (photo)
- Camera calibration (calib3d)
- Feature matching with Flann (flann)
- Image stitching (stitching)
- Video stabilization (videostab)
- Super resolution (superres)
- Machine learning (ml)
- GPU (gpu)
About video, the toolbox supports video reading and writing as it includes the
FFmpeg component (in its LGPL licence version).
The interface is designed to combine performance and convenience.
Installation is also simplified. No installation of OpenCV, or system
configuration, are needed to use scicv. The toolbox embeds (and loads)
automatically all the necessary OpenCV binaries (whatever platform is).
(See the Getting Started page in the integrated documentation for the full
description of the toolbox).