--> atomsInstall("scilib_geo")
Scilib-GEO provides a collection of basic functions used in geodaetic calculations. This version can run with Scilab 5.5.2 on Windows, Linux and MacOS, and can be compiled for Scilab 5.5, 6.0, and 6.1. User manual ----------- * online: http://scilib-geo.area7.de/man/index.php?lang=eng * PDF: https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/scilib_geo/0.6/files/scilib_geo_0.6_user_manual.pdf CONTENTS ======== Geometry: -------- atan2 — Grid bearing t0 used in geodetic coordinate systems, atan() for 4 quadrants in the intervall (0, 2п) sphere — Creates a point cloud (mesh) of a spherical surface. unitVec — Function returns the unit vector of a given vector or point in carthesian coordinates. GPS --- alm_parse_yumafile — Reads almanac data from files in yuma-format (experimental). sp3_parse_file — Reads orbit- and clockdata from a SP3-c formated file from the IGS. sp3c_parse_header — Parses the headerdata of a SP3c-file Physical Geodesy ---------------- bl2gk — Transformation: Geodaetic ellipsidic coordinates to Gauß-Krüger-coordinates (convention of Germany) eph2xyz — Function to calculate satellite coordinates (xyz) from the ephemerides of the satellite. gk2bl — Transformation: Gauß-Krüger-coordinates (convention of Germany) to geodaetic ellipsoidic coordinates gmf — Calculating the "global mapping function" (GMF). kepler — Calculates the excentric anomaly E (Kepler element). par_nutation — Calculates the parameter of the nutation. par_praezession — Calculates the parameter of the Precession. tropKor_sm — Calculates the tropospheric adjustment with assumed default values (Saastamoinen). xyz2asz — Transformation: Cartesian (WGS84) to topozentric coordinates. xyz2blh — Transformation: Cartesian to ellipsoidic coordinates. Utilities --------- compare_date — compares two given date vectors and returns the difference in seconds. dat_cal2gpsweek — Returns the gpsweek for a given date. dat_cal2j2k — Transforms a calendar date and time into julian centuries based on Epoch J2000.0. dat_cal2jd — this Function converts a calender date to Julian Date (JD). dat_cal2mjd — Transforms a calendar date and time in the Modified JD (MJD). dat_jd2cal — Transforms a Julian Date (JD) in the calendar date and time. dat_leapseconds — Returns a matrix with all leapseconds, or counts the leapseconds to the given date (includes all to Bulletin C Nr. 41, Feb. 2011). deg2dms — Converts the given Value to degrees, minutes and seconds format_linevec — Returns a formated String of a given linevector. get_tkblattnr — Calculates the sheetnumber of TK25 maps from latitude and longitude. pars_paramstr — Splits a parameterstring of type "-param1=value1 -param2=value2 ..." in a List. plotWorldmap — Returns and/or plots a worldmap in geographic coordinates (plot2d()).
Upload date : 2018-12-01 02:49:38 MD5 : c1ab92f5a562c1f83c7df7d9cc2b1db3 SHA1 : e5b7db76e8a54a2e62361852d1f5ebf53111e7b6 Downloads : 1174
Version 0.6 / 2018-12-01 (S. Gougeon) ------------------------ PORTAGE to Scilab 5.5 and 6 . maxi => max . getf() => exec() . lstsize => size . eval => evstr . error(msg,err) => error(msg) . xset => set . isoview => replot + isoview . Heterogeneous strings "...' replaced . shared internals: - sp3_parse_date() split from sp3_parse_file.sci - a7_svdata_createsv() split from a7_svdata_init.sci BUGS FIXED: * In unitVec() and xyz2asz(), compareVectors() was used instead of compare_vectors() * %GEOlib_DIR was used without being defined. * eph2xyz() - used macros/phys instead of macros/physgeo - ~isdef(kepler) instead of ~isdef("kepler") * gmf() : beta and gamma were used as simple variables, overwritting defined primitives * aequiKor(): delta was badly initialized. * dat_leapseconds() had a syntax error and could not be compiled. This function is not called at all, but is documented. It is fixed and kept, for the record. * plotWorldmap() never took the 2nd input argument into account. * In pars_paramstr(), errors messages were about a7Core() * tropKor_sm.sci defined tropKor() instead of tropKor_sm() HELP PAGES: * "Used functions" section removed. Only one page over two had it. The list of functions was very poor, an rather arbitrary. * plotWorldmap: image added. * The page for get_tkblatt() was named get_tkblattnr and the example was about get_tkblattnr() that is not defined. * dat_cal2j2k() : example could not run * sp3_parse_file() and sp3c_parese_header(): The example needed a instead of a . * atan2(): the example's result was not displayed. The xml:id was a7_atan2 instead of atan2. DEMOS: * readyuma() was called without being defined. alm_parse_yumafile() actually replaces it. * plot_Erdrotation() can't run. It needs a "nutwinkel" function, that's not defined. * plot_tropKor.sce was disabled by testing the existence of tropKor() instead of tropKor_sm(). OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: * Errors messages => standard + english + now localizable * New function getpath_geolib() (internal) * This file CHANGES.txt created.
Upload date : 2018-12-01 02:44:53 MD5 : fca776187fc83d7c78ec312695ab391f SHA1 : e94760cc89de96d82a46ececea372badff7bc160 Downloads : 726
Upload date : 2018-12-01 02:43:18 MD5 : 43fb5ca452d483f062d6b22b91198cf1 SHA1 : 83d00f7b54d8e109cb7e65493b9e2f1493288e29 Downloads : 589
Upload date : 2018-12-01 02:47:19 MD5 : 0a94bc749018ed3417eed62393b1b7c5 SHA1 : 6d28c8da17cab77053f9a14d6c6064382c6e69e8 Downloads : 2048
Release notes for Scilib_geo 0.6: The previous version could not be actually run with Scilab 5.5 (many blocking bugs), despite it was released for it. This version 0.6 is now actually ported to Scilab 5.5, and beyond, to Scilab 6.0 and Scilab 6.1. However, only binaries for Scilab 5.5 are provided here. Indeed, scilib_geo assessment and portage to Scilab 5.5 and 6.0 shows that it is outclassed a lot by the Celeslab module https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/celestlab As a consequence, may i encourage using CelestLab -- whose binaries are available for Scilab 6 -- rather than scilib_geo.
>As a consequence, may i encourage using CelestLab -- whose binaries are available for Scilab 6 -- rather than scilib_geo.
Version 0.6 does not build on *macOS* (10.12, Sierra) with Scilab 6.0.1. builder.sce stops with the error: "Undefined variable: plotWorldmap". In comparison bulid on Scilab 5.5.2 works.
> Version 0.6 does not build on *macOS* (10.12, Sierra) with Scilab 6.0.1. builder.sce > stops > with the error: "Undefined variable: plotWorldmap". In comparison bulid on > Scilab 5.5.2 works. You just have to rerun the builder once. This occurs for any module having some help pages with some illustrated examples generated with some Scilab code. Such an example has been added for the plotWorldmap() page in scilib-GEO 0.6
> In comparison bulid on Scilab 5.5.2 works. Building Scilib-GEO 0.6 with Scilab 5.5.2 yields the same error, for the same reason, with the same solution.
> You just have to rerun the builder once. Sorry, the solution is * first: run loader.sce * second: rerun builder.sce * finally, rerun loader.sce The builder could be adapted to load newly built libraries before building help pages.
Scilab 6.1.0 will be fixed against this issue. The Master version in development is already fixed. Compiling scilab_geo 0.6 with it works without error.
> > You just have to rerun the builder once. > > Sorry, the solution is > * first: run loader.sce > * second: rerun builder.sce > * finally, rerun loader.sce > > The builder could be adapted to load newly built libraries before building help pages. Thank you very much for your replies. But I had to add one more step to get it working: In Scilab: * I run builder.sce (because loader.sce is not generated so far) * I get an error: xmltoformat: /[path]/scilib_geo_0.6_55_60_61-src/help/de_DE/scilab_de_DE_help/scilab_de_DE_help.jar wurde nicht erzeugt. => means scilib_de_DE was not generated. * I run cleaner.sce (This is important, otherwise I get always the same errors) * I run loader.sce, which seems to work, I get a positive message on the screen. * I rerun builder.sce and now it works * I rerun loader.sce and get it loaded. I compressed the folder and try to install it via atoms w/ -->atomsInstall("path/to/the/zip-file/scilib_geo_0.6_6.0.bin.zip") but I get: atomsDESCRIPTIONread: die Datei '/Applications/scilab-6.0.1.app/Contents/MacOS/share/scilab/.atoms/tmp_1554292934/scilib_geo_0.6_6.0.bin/DESCRIPTION' existiert nicht. Means "scilib_geo_0.6_6.0.bin/DESCRIPTION" does not exist. I run into this error with another toolbox, too. Is this a 6.0 bug? The manual way via running loader.sce works. Strange.
The module is not packaged in order to be installable offline as you tried to do it.
Got it now installed via Atoms on Scilab 6.0.2 and macOS Mojave (10.14) Binary => http://www.hani-ibrahim.de/public/scilab/