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ATOMS : Splspc details
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Sparse Least Squares Pre-Conditioned methods
(2664 downloads for this version - 7360 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.3 exists: 0.2
Ken Hayami
Keiichi Morikuni
Xiaoke Cui
Jun-Feng Yin
Tokushi Ito
Benoit Goepfert
Michael Baudin
Owner Organization
National Institute of Informatics and Digiteo
Michael BAUDIN
Creation Date
November 15, 2011
Source created on
Scilab 5.3.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.3.x:
Linux 32-bit Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit macOS Linux 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("splspc")
            The goal of this toolbox is to provide iterative methods for sparse linear least
squares problems. This methods work with the iterative GMRES method for both
underdetermined and overdetermined problems and use various preconditionning

This module provides :

 * AB-GMRES and BA-GMRES without any particular preconditionner,
 * Robust Incomplete Factorization (RIF) preconditioning method working with
 * Greville's preconditioning method working with AB-GMRES and BA-GMRES,
 * inner iterations preconditioning process with AB-GMRES and BA-GMRES.


 * splspc_gmresab : the AB-GMRES iterative solver
 * splspc_gmresba : the BA-GMRES iterative solver
 * splspc_rifgmresab : the AB-GMRES iterative solver with a RIF preconditioner
 * splspc_rifgmresab : the BA-GMRES iterative solver with a RIF preconditioner
 * splspc_grevgmresab: the AB-GMRES iterative solver with a GREVILLE
 * splspc_grevgmresba: the BA-GMRES iterative solver with a GREVILLE
 * splspc_nrsorgmresba: the BA-GMRES iterative solver with an inner iteration


 * Hayami, K., Yin, J.-F., and Ito, T., GMRES methods for least squares
problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 31, Issue 5,
pp. 2400-2430, 2010.
 * Hayami, K., Yin, J.-F., and Ito, T., "GMRES methods for least squares
problems", NII Technical Reports, National Institute of Informatics,
Tokyo, NII-2007-09E, pp. 1-29, July, 2007,
 * Cui, X. and Hayami, K., "Greville's method for preconditioning least
squares problems",
NII Technical Reports, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo,
NII-2008-008E, pp. 1-26, August, 2008,
 * Cui, X., Hayami K., and Yin, J.-F., Greville’s method for preconditioning
least squares problems, Advances in Computational Mathematics , Vol. 35, pp.
243-269, 2011.
 * Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Inner-iteration Krylov subspace methods for
least squares problems, NII Technical Reports, National Institute of
Informatics, Tokyo, NII-2011-001E, pp. 1-27, April, 2011.
Files (6)
[399.25 kB]
Source code archive

[721.54 kB]
Linux 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Linux 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[735.39 kB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Windows 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[754.94 kB]
Windows 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Windows 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[389.66 kB]
macOS binary for Scilab 5.3.x
MacOSX version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[746.32 kB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Linux 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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Comments (1)     Leave a comment 
Comment -- November 22, 2011, 02:33:30 PM    
The version v0.1 is correctly packaged on Windows. I checked this with Windows Vista and 
Scilab 5.3.2:

 ans  =
!splspc        0.1-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1        I  !
!apifun        0.3-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\apifun\0.3-1        A  !
!MatrixMarket  1.4-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\MatrixMarket\1.4-1  A  !
!assert        1.3-1  allusers  SCI\contrib\assert\1.3-1        A  !
Start splspc
	Load macros
	Load gateways
	Load help
Start Apifun
	Load macros
	Load help
	Type "help apifun_overview" for quick start.
Start MatrixMarket
	Load macros
	Load help
Start Assert
	Load macros
	Load help
	Type "help assert_overview" for quick start.
	Type "demo_gui()" and search for Assert for Demonstrations.
   TMPDIR = C:\Users\baudin\AppData\Local\Temp\SCI_TMP_5512_

   001/007 - [SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1] splspc_gmresab.............passed 
   002/007 - [SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1] splspc_gmresba.............passed 
   003/007 - [SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1] splspc_grevgmresab.........passed 
   004/007 - [SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1] splspc_grevgmresba.........passed 
   005/007 - [SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1] splspc_nrsorgmresba........failed  : premature end

of the test script 
   006/007 - [SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1] splspc_rifgmresab..........passed 
   007/007 - [SCI\contrib\splspc\0.1-1] splspc_rifgmresba..........passed 

The function splspc_nrsorgmresba may not work on Windows, as reported at :

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