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ATOMS : Stixbox details
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Statistics toolbox
(789 downloads for this version - 66339 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 2.8
Michael Baudin
Jean-Philippe Chancelier
Maurice Goursat
Anders Holtsberg
Serge Steer
Owner Organization
INRIA - DIGITEO - Université Paris Sud
Michael BAUDIN
Creation Date
November 4, 2010
Source created on
Scilab 5.3.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.3.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("stixbox")

Stixbox is a statistics toolbox which provides distribution functions, datasets,
statistical tests and plotting facilities. 


 * Probability Distribution Functions
   * pbeta : The beta cumulative distribution function 
   * pbinom : The binomial cumulative probability function 
   * pchisq : The chisquare distribution function 
   * pf : The F (or Fisher Snedecor) cumulative distribution function 
   * pgamma : The gamma cumulative distribution function 
   * phypg : The hypergeometric cumulative probability function 
   * pks : Kolmogorov Smirnov distribution function 
   * pnorm : The normal cumulative distribution function 
   * pt : The Student t cumulative distribution function 
 * Datasets
   * datas1 : Phosphorus Data 
   * datas10 : Cost-of-Living Data 
   * datas11 : Demographic Data 
   * datas12 : cables data 
   * datas13 : service calls data 
   * datas14 : Phone call data 
   * datas15 : turnover datas 
   * datas16 : unemployment datas 
   * datas17 : quality control 
   * datas18 : Graphics cards 
   * datas19 : Processing system development data 
   * datas2 : Scottish Hill Race Data 
   * datas20 : paper datas 
   * datas21 : Bulbs data 
   * datas22 : memory chips datas 
   * datas23 : French firms datas 
   * datas3 : Salary Survey Data 
   * datas4 : Health Club Data 
   * datas5 : Brain and Body Weight Data 
   * datas6 : Cement Data 
   * datas7 : Colon Cancer Data 
   * datas8 : Growth Data 
   * datas9 : Consumption Function 
 * Graphics
   * histo : plot a histogram 
   * identify : Identify points on a plot by clicking with the mouse 
   * linreg : Linear or polynomial regression 
   * pairs : Pairwise scatter plots 
   * plotdens : Draw a nonparametric density estimate 
   * plotsym : Plot with symbols 
   * qqnorm : Normal probability paper 
   * qqplot : Plot empirical quantile vs empirical quantile 
 * Inverse Cumulated Distribution Functions
   * qbeta : The beta inverse distribution function 
   * qbinom : The binomial inverse cdf 
   * qchisq : The chisquare inverse distribution function 
   * qf : The F (or Fisher-Snedecor) inverse distribution function 
   * qgamma : The gamma inverse distribution function 
   * qhypg : The hypergeometric inverse cdf 
   * qnorm : The normal inverse distribution function 
   * qt : The student t inverse distribution function 
 * Logistic Regression
   * lodds : Log odds function 
   * loddsinv : inverse of log odd 
   * logitfit : Fit a logistic regression model 
 * Miscellaneous
   * betainc : Incomplete beta function 
   * betaln : Logarithm of beta function 
   * bincoef : Binomial coefficients 
   * ciboot : Various bootstrap confidence intervals 
   * cov : Covariance matrix 
   * covboot : Bootstrap estimate of the variance of a parameter estimate 
   * covjack : Jackknife estimate of the variance of a parameter estimate 
   * gammainc : The incomplete gamma function 
   * getdata : Famous datasets 
   * polyfit : Polynomial curve fitting 
   * polyval : Polynomial evaluation 
   * quantile : Empirical quantile (percentile). 
   * std : Standard deviation 
   * stdboot : Bootstrap estimate of the parameter standard deviation 
   * stdjack : Jackknife estimate of the standard deviation of a parameter
 * Probability Distribution Functions
   * dbeta : The beta density function 
   * dbinom : The binomial probability function 
   * dchisq : The chisquare density function 
   * df : The F density function 
   * dgamma : The gamma density function 
   * dhypg : The hypergeometric probability function 
   * dnorm : The normal density function 
   * dt : The student t density function 
 * Random Numbers
   * rbeta : Random numbers from the beta distribution 
   * rbinom : Random numbers from the binomial distribution (inversion method) 
   * rboot : Simulate a bootstrap resample from a sample 
   * rchisq : Random numbers from the chisquare distribution 
   * rexpweib : Random numbers from the exponential or weibull distributions 
   * rf : Random numbers from the F distribution (inversion method) 
   * rgamma : Random numbers from the gamma distribution 
   * rgeom : Random numbers from the geometric distribution 
   * rhypg : Random numbers from the hypergeometric distribution 
   * rnorm : Normal random numbers 
   * rpoiss : Random numbers from the poisson distribution 
   * rt : Random numbers from the student t distributio 
 * Reject Methods
   * rjbinom : Random numbers from the binomial distribution (reject method) 
   * rjgamma : Generates gamma random deviates 
   * rjpoiss : Random numbers from the poisson distributio 
 * Tests, confidence intervals and model estimation
   * ciquant : Nonparametric confidence interval for quantile 


stixbox (1.3)
    * Removed functio            
Files (2)
[209.21 kB]
Source code archive

[140.94 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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